Dr. Gulshan Kumar Dhingra

Name : Dr. Gulshan Kumar Dhingra
Designation : Dean, Professor & HOD Botany
Qualification : Ph. D., NET, GATE
Email : gulshan_k_dhingra@gmail.com
Blood Group : B+

TypePaper/Book TitleName of Journal/Book Year  
Book ChapterPteridophyta Gymnosperm and Elementary PaleobotanyPteridophyta Gymnosperm and Elementary Paleobotany 2022UGC Listed JournalNational Journal
Journal34. Inoculation of siderophore producing rhizobacteria and their consortium for growth enhancement of wheat plant ELSEVIER 2018UGC Listed JournalInternational Journal
2023BotanyUSERCAny Other0.00
2021BotanyUCOSTUCOST Project0.00
2014BotanyUGCUGC Major Project0.00
2008BotanyUGCUGC Minor Project0.00
2005BotanyUGCUGC Minor Project0.00
Awarded byAwards / Honours ReceivedYear
PLANTICAFellow Award2022