| Type | Paper/Book Title | Name of Journal/Book | | Year | | | By |
1 | Journal | Dynamics of intraguild predation in coccinellids: molecular insights | Arthropod-Plant Interactions | 1.5 | 2025 | Scopus/Web of Science | International | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
2 | Journal | TRENDS OF KAFAL TREE RESOURCES UTILIZATION IN GARHWAL HIMALAYA: DECADAL DYNAMICS FROM 1985 TO THE PRESENT | Annals of Science and Allied Research | | 2024 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Preeti Khanduri |
3 | Journal | WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS OF YAMUNA RIVER IN FEW SELECTED SITES OF YAMUNANAGAR, HARYANA | Annals of Science and Allied Research | | 2024 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Preeti Khanduri |
4 | Book | | TEXT BOOK ON ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION | | 2024 | Any Other | National | Dr. Preeti Khanduri |
5 | Book Chapter | पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र | पर्यावरण अध्यन | | 2024 | Any Other | National | Dr. Preeti Khanduri |
6 | Journal | Allelopathic effects of Cassia fistula L on germination and seedlings growth of Raphanus sativus L | Allelopathy Journal | 1.3 | 2024 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Dr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi |
7 | Journal | वैश्विक परिप्रेक्ष्य में शिक्षा की महत्ता | जयराम संदेश | | 2024 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Sangeeta Mishra |
8 | Journal | भारतीय समाज में पुरुषार्थ का स्वरूप एवम् महत्व | Akshara Multidisciplinary Research Journal | 5.675 | 2024 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Dr. Sangeeta Mishra |
9 | Journal | गंगा अवतरण एवम् स्वर्ग की व्यावहारिक अवधारणा | संस्कृत रत्नाकर: | | 2024 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Dr. Sangeeta Mishra |
10 | Journal | प्राचीन भारतीय साहित्य में राष्ट्र्बोध | जयराम संदेश | | 2024 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Dr. Sangeeta Mishra |
11 | Journal | A Narrative Review On Medicinal Importance Of Cannabis Sativa In India | IJRAR - International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138, | 7.17 | 2024 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Shalini Rawat |
12 | Book | Text book on Environmental Education | Text book on Environmental Education | | 2024 | Any Other | National | Dr. Shalini Rawat |
13 | Journal | AMARANTHUS SPP. IN UTTARAKHAND: A NARRATIVE REVIEW OF ETHNOMEDICINAL, PHYTOCHEMICAL AND NUTRITIONAL ASPECTS | Annals of Science and Allied Research Vol. 2 (1) June, 2024: 38-46. | | 2024 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Shalini Rawat |
14 | Journal | TRENDS OF KAFAL TREE RESOURCES UTILIZATION IN GARHWAL HIMALAYA: DECADAL DYNAMICS FROM 1985 TO THE PRESENT | Annals of Science and Allied Research Vol. 2 (1) June, 2024: 66-75. | | 2024 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Dr. Shalini Rawat |
15 | Book | Fundamentals of environmental Sciences | Fundamentals of environmental Sciences | | 2024 | Any Other | National | Dr. Shalini Rawat |
16 | Book | Environmental Health and safety: Principles and Practices | Environmental Health and safety: Principles and Practices | | 2024 | Any Other | National | Dr. Shalini Rawat |
18 | Journal | A STUDY ON THE FISH FAUNAL DIVERSITY OF CORBETT TIGER RESERVE, UTTARAKHAND, INDIA | J. MOUNTAIN RES. | | 2024 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. (Dr.) Smita Badola |
19 | Journal | Distribution And Prey-Predator Catalogue Of Genus Oenopia Mulsant 1850 (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) From Uttarakhand. | Annals of Science and Allied Research | 0 | 2024 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
20 | Journal | First Report on Natural enemies of Pieris brassicae from Kumaun Terai, Uttarakhand. | Annals of Science and Allied Research | 0 | 2024 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
21 | Journal | How Do Chemicals Affect Butterflies and the Environment? | Annals of Science and Allied Research | 0 | 2024 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
22 | Journal | Virgin Males Are Better Mating Partners Than The Experienced Ones: A Case Study Of Menochilus sexmaculatus (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). | Annals of Science and Allied Research | 0 | 2024 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
23 | Journal | Ichthyofaunal diversity in relation with fish farming and water quality of a North Indian Pond, Ram Tal Vatika. | Annals of Science and Allied Research | 0 | 2024 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
24 | Journal | An Overview Of Sexual Activity And Mating Issues In Predatory Ladybird Beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). | Annals of Science and Allied Research | 0 | 2024 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
25 | Journal | Morphological Attributes Of Six Coccinellid Beetles Recorded From Udham Singh Nagar District Of Uttarakhand, India. | Annals of Science and Allied Research | 0 | 2024 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
26 | Journal | Enhancing Fish Feeding Methods And Formulating Nutritious Feed for the growth of Labeo rohita. | Journal of Mountain Research. | 0 | 2024 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
27 | Journal | Comprehensive foraging behavior of acarophagous ladybird, Stethorus gilvifrons (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on Tetranychus urticae (Trombidiformes: Tetranychidae): Implications for biological control. | Int J Trop Insect Sci | 1.2 | 2024 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
28 | Journal | Diet and body size modulate the Re-mating Behaviour and Reproduction of a Predaceous Ladybird, Coccinella transversalis. | Entomon | 0.4 | 2024 | Scopus/Web of Science | National Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
29 | Journal | Role of relatedness, food quality and hunger on the avoidance of kin-cannibalism in higher instars of coccinellids. | Arthropod-Plant Interactions. | 1.5 | 2024 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
30 | Book Chapter | Gut Microbiome in Predaceous Coccinellids: Benefits and Challenges. | In: Ali Bilgili (ed.) New Current Topics in Biological Sciences. | 0 | 2024 | Peer Reviewed | International | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
31 | Book Chapter | Gut Microbiome in Predaceous Coccinellids: Benefits and Challenges. | In: Ali Bilgili (ed.) New Current Topics in Biological Sciences. | 0 | 2024 | Peer Reviewed | International | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
32 | Book Chapter | In: Hasan Akgul (ed.) International Studies And Evaluations In The Field Of Biology, Mah. Fevzi Çakmak 1. | Insects In Complementary And Alternative Medicine: Current Status And Future Scope | 0 | 2024 | Peer Reviewed | International | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
33 | Book Chapter | Chapter 4. In: Nitish Kumar (Ed) Heavy Metal Toxicity: Human Health Impact and Mitigation Strategies. , pp. 99-128. ISBN 978-3-031-56641-7, ISBN 978-3-031-56642-4 (eBook). Environmental Science and Engineering : | Impacts of Heavy Metals Contamination on Human Health, | 0 | 2024 | Peer Reviewed | International | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
34 | Book Chapter | In Nilofar Akhtar and Ahmad Pervez (eds). Gender roles and green concepts: pathways to environmental sustainability. Vol. II. https://doi.org/10.31995/Book.AB306-M24.Chapter3. | Role Of Ladybirds In Food Security And Environmental Security. | 0 | 2024 | Peer Reviewed | International | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
35 | Book Chapter | In Nilofar Akhtar and Ahmad Pervez (eds). Gender roles and green concepts: pathways to environmental sustainability. Vol. II. Anu Books. Delhi, Meerut, Glasgow. . https://doi.org/10.31995/Book.AB306-M24.Chapter17. | Oviposition Behaviour Of Predaceous Ladybird Beetles: A Review. | 0 | 2024 | Peer Reviewed | International | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
36 | Book Chapter | In Nilofar Akhtar and Ahmad Pervez (eds). Gender roles and green concepts: pathways to environmental sustainability. Vol. II. Anu Books. Delhi, Meerut, Glasgow. . https://doi.org/10.31995/Book.AB306-M24.Chapter17. | Our immune system is against us: et tu Cytokines. | 0 | 2024 | Peer Reviewed | International | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
37 | Book | Gender roles and Green Concepts: Pathways to environmental sustainability, Vol. I. | Gender roles and Green Concepts | | 2024 | Any Other | International | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
38 | Book | Gender roles and Green Concepts: Pathways to environmental sustainability, Vol. II. | Gender roles and Green Concepts: Pathways to environmental sustainability, Vol. II. | | 2024 | Peer Reviewed | International | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
39 | Book Chapter | Kafal Ke Rang | Uttarakhand ki Lok Sanskriti : Vividh Aayam | | 2023 | Any Other | National | Dr. Adheer Kumar |
40 | Book | | - Garhwali Bhasha Avam Sanskriti | | 2023 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Mukti Nath Yadav |
41 | Book | | Environment Studies and Value Education | | 2023 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Mukti Nath Yadav |
42 | Book | | Paryavaran Adhyyan avam mulya Shiksha | | 2023 | Any Other | National | Dr. Mukti Nath Yadav |
43 | Journal | Ethno-Medicinal Plants Used by the Traditional Healers (Vaidyas) in Pindar Valley, Chamoli, Uttarakhand, India | Journal Global Values | | 2023 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi |
44 | Book Chapter | Dyeing of wool fibers with some natural dyes and environmental impact | Environment and Human Health: Global Issues | | 2023 | Any Other | National Journal | Dr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi |
45 | Journal | Dyeing textiles with eco-friendly natural dyes: A brief review | International Journal of Global Science Reasearch | | 2023 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi |
46 | Journal | आधुनिक परिप्रेक्ष्य में डॉ बी० आर० आम्बेडकर के विचारों की प्रासंगिकता | Akshara Multidisciplinary Research Journal | 5.675 | 2023 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Sangeeta Mishra |
47 | Journal | महात्मा गांधी की धर्म सम्बंधी अवधारणा | Akshara Multidisciplinary Research Journal | 5.675 | 2023 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Dr. Sangeeta Mishra |
48 | Journal | महाकाव्य काल में वास्तुकला | संस्कृत रत्नाकर: | | 2023 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Dr. Sangeeta Mishra |
49 | Journal | वर्तमान परिप्रेक्ष्य में श्री रामचरित मानस की प्रासंगिकता | जयराम संदेश | | 2023 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Dr. Sangeeta Mishra |
50 | Journal | Regenerational Analysis of Seedlings and Saplings of Badshahithaul Forest Area of Chamba Block (Near New Tehri Town), District Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India | International Journal of Environmental Sciences UGC Approved-A Peer Reviewed Quarterly Journal | (SJIF: 6.043) | 2023 | Peer Reviewed | International | Dr. Shalini Rawat |
51 | Journal | Vegetation Analysis of Tree layer of Temperate Himalayan forest: A Case Study of Kotdwara-Ranichauri, Chamba Block, Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India | International Journal of Environmental Sciences | (CIF: 3.654) | 2023 | Peer Reviewed | International | Dr. Shalini Rawat |
52 | Journal | A review on world’s potential anti-malarial plants and their phytochemicals”. | Annals of science and allied research | | 2023 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Dr. Shalini Rawat |
53 | Journal | Lanthanide complexes derived from tetradentate macrocyclic ligand: synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial studies. | Annals of science and allied research | | 2023 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Dr. Shalini Rawat |
54 | Book Chapter | Unit no. 9 &10 in MSCBOT-504 Taxonomy of the flowering plants(Angisperms) | Taxonomy of the flowering plants(Angisperms) | | 2023 | Any Other | National | Dr. Shalini Rawat |
56 | Book Chapter | Soil microbes and their interaction | Green Chemistry and Environmental management (Edited book) | | 2023 | Any Other | National Journal | Dr. Shalini Rawat |
57 | Journal | POPULATION STRUCTURE OF LEPIDOCEPHALUS GUNTEA (HAMILTON-BUCHANAN) FROM KHOH RIVER, GARHWAL HIMALAYA, INDIA | J. MOUNTAIN RES | | 2023 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. (Dr.) Smita Badola |
58 | Journal | A REVIEW ON DISEASE MANAGEMENT IN INLAND FISHERIES OF INDIA | ANNALS OF SCIENCE AND ALLIED RESEARCH | | 2023 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Prof. (Dr.) Smita Badola |
59 | Book | Two Units | 4- “ Fish and Fisheries (Applied Icthyology) M.Sc. IV Semester, Uttarakhand Open University | | 2023 | Any Other | National | Prof. (Dr.) Smita Badola |
60 | Journal | Spotlight On The Agripreneurial Significance Of Insects In India. | Annals of Science and Allied Research. | 0 | 2023 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
61 | Journal | Overview of the reproductive behaviour and development of aphidophagous ladybird beetles. | Annals of Science and Allied Research. | 0 | 2023 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
62 | Journal | Diversity of Aphididae of Uttarakhand. Arch. | nnals of Science and Allied Resea | 0 | 2023 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
63 | Journal | Intraguild Predation and Cannibalism between two co-occurring ladybird species (Coccinella septempunctata and Menochilus sexmaculatus): A Fight for Supremacy. | Probe, Animal Science | 0 | 2023 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
64 | Book Chapter | Ecology and Behaviour of Predaceous Ladybird Beetles (Coleoptera Coccinellidae). | In: (ed.) Manoj Kumar Arya. Biodiversity, Environment And Ecosystem Services | | 2023 | Peer Reviewed | National | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
65 | Book Chapter | Human Population Growth and Dynamics | In : eds M Yadav and Brototi Roy. A Comprehensive Textbook of Human Reproductive Biology and Health | | 2023 | Peer Refereed | National | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
66 | Book Chapter | Proc. Int. Cankaya Sci studies Cong. , Aankara-Türkiye. (ed.) Figen Yardimci. | Egg cannibalism and intraguild predation of Coccinella species by an aphidophagous coccinellid, Coelophora saucia (Mulsant). | 0 | 2023 | Peer Reviewed | International | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
67 | Book Chapter | Proc. Int. Cankaya Sci studies Cong. , Aankara-Türkiye. (ed.) Figen Yardimci. | Global invasion of Harmonia axiridis: current status. | 0 | 2023 | Peer Reviewed | International | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
68 | Book Chapter | Reproductive Health and Family Welfare in India. | In : (eds) M Yadav and Brototi Roy. A Comprehensive Textbook of Human Reproductive Biology and Health. | 0 | 2023 | Peer Reviewed | National | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
69 | Book Chapter | Insect Pests Management | In: (ed.) Manoj Kumar Arya. Biodiversity, Environment And Ecosystem Services | | 2023 | Peer Reviewed | National | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
70 | Book Chapter | Nanomaterials in the environment: impacts and challenges | Seema Sahadevan, Akhilesh Rai and Santosh Kumar (eds.). Nanomaterial-Plant Interaction: Nanoparticles and plant-microbe interactions: An environmental perspective | | 2023 | Scopus/Web of Science | International | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
71 | Book Chapter | Plants and Microbial Nanotoxicology | Seema Sahadevan, Akhilesh Rai and Santosh Kumar (eds.). Nanomaterial-Plant Interaction: Nanoparticles and plant-microbe interactions: An environmental perspective | | 2023 | Scopus/Web of Science | International | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
72 | Journal | On solutions to open problems and Volterra-Hammerstein non-linear integral equation | Applied Math. E-Notes | .79 | 2023 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
73 | Journal | Best proximant for set-valued maps via proximal relations | Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl. | 0.658 (discontinued in 2022) | 2023 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
74 | Journal | On Fixed Point, its geometry and application to satellite web coupling problem in S−Metric Spaces | AIMS Math. | 2.739 | 2023 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
75 | Journal | Fractals as Julia and Mandelbrot sets of complex cosine functions via fixed point iterations | Symmetry | 2.940 | 2023 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
76 | Journal | Common fixed points and convergence results for α-Krasnosel'skii mappings | AIMS Math | 2.739 | 2023 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
77 | Journal | Geometry and application in economics of fixed point | Symmetry | 2.940 | 2023 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
78 | Journal | Fixed point, its geometry and application via ω-interpolative contraction of Suzuki type mapping | Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. | 3.171 | 2023 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
79 | Journal | NEP-2020 and Youth Empowerment | Sodh-Shree(A Peer Reviewed International Referred Journal) | 5.465 | 2022 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Anand Prakash Singh |
80 | Book Chapter | Pteridophyta Gymnosperm and Elementary Paleobotany | Pteridophyta Gymnosperm and Elementary Paleobotany | | 2022 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Gulshan Kumar Dhingra |
81 | Journal | Kavya Bhasha ke Bare men Tulasidas ki Manytayen | , Shodh Disha | | 2022 | UGC Listed Journal | National | Dr. Mukti Nath Yadav |
82 | Book | Fundamentals of Chemistry-I | Fundamentals of Chemistry-I | | 2022 | Any Other | National | Dr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi |
83 | Book Chapter | Unit 8: Anomalous secondary growth in Monocot and Dicot stems and roots | PLANT DEVELOPMENT MSCBOT-508 | | 2022 | Any Other | National | Dr. Shalini Rawat |
84 | Book Chapter | Unit-2, Development of Male Gametophyte | PLANT REPRODUCTION MSCBOT-509 | | 2022 | Any Other | National | Dr. Shalini Rawat |
85 | Book Chapter | Incorporation Emotional management in NEP 2020: The Need of the time | New Education Poliocy2020- An Analytic Vision (Edited book) | | 2022 | Any Other | National | Dr. Shalini Rawat |
86 | Journal | IMPACT OF QUALITY MONITORING MECHANISM AT ELEMENTARY LEVEL SCHOOLS: A CASE STUDY | RJPSSs, Vol. XLVIII No.2, Dec. 2022 | 8.904 (SJIF) | 2022 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Dr. Shalini Rawat |
87 | Journal | A Comparative Account Of Tree Diversity By Phytosociological Method In Badshahithaul Forest Of Chamba Block Of Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand | Voyager: | Impact Factor 8.005 (SJIF) | 2022 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Dr. Shalini Rawat |
88 | Journal | Ethnobotanical Study on Some Plants Commonly Used for the Treatment of Skin Diseases in Kotdwara-Bhabhar Range of Uttarakhand | Voyager: Vol. XIV, 2023 ISSN: (P) 0976-7436 (e) 2455-054X Impact Factor 8.419 (SJIF) | Impact Factor 8.419 (SJIF) | 2022 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Dr. Shalini Rawat |
89 | Book Chapter | Insects in the modern world | In: (ed) Dr. Feyza Döndü Bilgin, Resilient Agriculture With The Help Of Crop Diversification. | | 2022 | Peer Refereed | International | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
90 | Book Chapter | Travel to the Past in Entomology in India | In: ed Mustafa Kahyaoglu. Multidisciplinary perspectives in education and social sciences III. | | 2022 | Peer Refereed | International | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
91 | Journal | Intraguild Predation of inferior larval stages of the two aphidophagous ladybirds. | Entomon | 0.22 | 2022 | Scopus/Web of Science | National | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
92 | Journal | Impact of egg-quality and its laying pattern on the fate of egg-cannibalism and intraguild predation in ladybirds | Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies | 0.01 | 2022 | UGC Listed Journal | National | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
93 | Journal | Prey preference of an aphidophagous ladybird, Coccinella transversalis (Coccinellidae: Coleoptera) on two aphid species | Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies | 0.01 | 2022 | UGC Listed Journal | National | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
94 | Journal | Influence of Functional response on the bodyweight of a biological control agent, Coccinella transversalis Fabricius (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). | Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies | 0.01 | 2022 | UGC Listed Journal | National | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
95 | Journal | Cumulative functional responses of larvae and adults of two aphidophagous ladybirds. | International Journal of Tropical Insect Science | 1.02 | 2022 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
96 | Journal | Courtship behaviour and mating refusals in an aphidophagous ladybird, Coccinella transversalis | International Journal of Tropical Insect Science | 1.02 | 2022 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
97 | Journal | Functional morphology of mouthparts and antennal sensillae of two co-generic aphidophagous ladybirds | International Journal of Tropical Insect Science | 1.02 | 2022 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
98 | Journal | Reproductive Behaviour of predaceous ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae): A review | International Journal of Tropical Insect Science | 1.02 | 2022 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
99 | Journal | Food preference, growth and development of three aphidophagous ladybirds preying on conspecific and heterospecific eggs | International Journal of Tropical Insect Science | 1.02 | 2022 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
100 | Journal | Variation in reproductive attributes and diapause behaviour among selected populations of Zygogramma bicolorata Pallister | International Journal of Tropical Insect Science | 1.02 | 2022 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
101 | Book Chapter | Contribution of Aryabhat in Ancient Mathematics | Proceedings of the National Conference of Mathematics and its Application in Science (NCMAS 2022 | | 2022 | Peer Reviewed | National | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
102 | Book Chapter | Fermat's Contribution in Mathematics | Understanding Values and Ethics in Shrinking World | | 2022 | Peer Reviewed | National | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
103 | Journal | A brief study of dynamics of Julia sets for entire transcendental function using Mann iterative scheme | Fractals and Fract. | 3.577 | 2022 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
104 | Journal | Julia and Mandelbrot sets of transcendental function via Fibonacci-Mann iteration | J. Funct. Spaces | 1.281 | 2022 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
105 | Journal | Variants of Mandelbrot and Julia fractals for higher-order complex polynomials | Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. | 3.171 | 2022 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
106 | Journal | Variants of Julia and Mandelbrot sets as fractals via Jungck-Ishikawa fixed point iteration system with s-convexity | AIMS Math. | 2.739 | 2022 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
107 | Journal | Fixed point to fixed circle and activation function in partial metric space | J. Appl. Anal. | 0.767 | 2022 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
108 | Journal | Relation theoretic contractions and its applications in b−metric like spaces | J. Appl. Anal. | .767 | 2022 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
109 | Journal | Near fixed point, near fixed interval circle and their equivalence classes in a b−interval metric space | Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl. | .658 (discontinued in 2022) | 2022 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
110 | Journal | A survey of C−class and pair upper class functions in fixed point theory | Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl. | .658 (discontinued in 2022) | 2022 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
111 | Journal | Relation theoretic results via simulation function with applications | Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl. | 0.658 (discontinued in 2022) | 2022 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
112 | Journal | Mandelbrot fractals using fixed-point technique of sine function | Proc. Inst. Math. Mech., Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. | 1.36 | 2022 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
113 | Journal | On unique and non-unique fixed point in parametric Nb−metric spaces with application | Acta Univ. Sapientiae Math. | .372 | 2022 | Scopus/Web of Science | National Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
114 | Journal | On existence of fixed points and applications to a boundary value problem and a Matrix equation in C* -Algebra Valued Partial Metric Spaces | Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Math. | .372 | 2022 | Scopus/Web of Science | National Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
115 | Journal | On Solution of Nonlinear Integral and Fractional Differential Equations via Discontinuous Nonlinear Contractions | J. Math. | 1.555 | 2022 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
116 | Journal | Emerging Trends of E-Commerce in India | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research | 7.95 | 2022 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
117 | Journal | कामकाजीमहिलाओंमेंभूमिकासंघर्षएवंसमायोजनकीस्थितिकासमाजषास्त्रीयअध्ययन | “SHODH SHREE” (A Peer Reviewed International Refereed Journal) | 5.025 | 2021 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Anand Prakash Singh |
118 | Book | | Samkalin Hindi Mahila Upanyason Men Samajik Aur Rajnitik Chetana | | 2021 | Any Other | National | Dr. Mukti Nath Yadav |
119 | Book Chapter | Fit India Holistic Health Care for Quality Life | Sahitya Aur Swasthyay | | 2021 | Any Other | National | Dr. Mukti Nath Yadav |
120 | Journal | Environmental hazards and crisis management for sustainable development | International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) | SJIF (2020): 7.803 | 2021 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Preeti Khanduri |
121 | Journal | New Hexaaza Macro Cyclic Complexes: Synthesis, Characterization and their Antimicrobial Activities | Wutan Huatan Jisuan Jishu | | 2021 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi |
122 | Journal | Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Terminalia bellirica fruit extract and their characterization | J. Mountain Res. | | 2021 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi |
123 | Journal | श्री भगवद् गीता में वर्णित कर्मयोग | संस्कृत रत्नाकर: | | 2021 | Peer Reviewed | National | Dr. Sangeeta Mishra |
124 | Journal | A Comparative Account of Improvising Degraded Soil Health: From Organic Agriculture Perspective | International Journal of Life Sciences | CIF: 5.411; SJIF: 6.431 | 2021 | Peer Reviewed | International | Dr. Shalini Rawat |
125 | Book Chapter | Unit 5,6,7,8 | TAXONOMY OF ANGIOSPERMS AND BIODIVERSITY BSCBO-201 | | 2021 | Any Other | National | Dr. Shalini Rawat |
126 | Book Chapter | Unit no. 7 & 8 | FUNGI, LICHEN, VIRUSES AND BACTERIA MSCBOT-501 | | 2021 | Any Other | National | Dr. Shalini Rawat |
127 | Journal | Role of Customer Relationship Management in Business | Abhinav Gaveshna | - | 2021 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Virendra Kumar Gupta |
128 | Journal | Role of Motivation in increasing performance and job satisfaction of employees in banking industry | Juni Khyat | - | 2021 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Virendra Kumar Gupta |
129 | Journal | Role of Government and other Funding Agencies in the Growth of Micro Enterprises in Uttarakhand | International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research Academy | 7.081 | 2021 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Virendra Kumar Gupta |
130 | Book | “ Biodiversity Sustainability and Environmental Education” Edition: 2021 ISBN: 978-93-83837-82-3 | “ Biodiversity Sustainability and Environmental Education” | | 2021 | Any Other | National Journal | Prof. (Dr.) Smita Badola |
131 | Book | “ Environment Issues and Mitigation Strategies” | “ Environment Issues and Mitigation Strategies” | | 2021 | Any Other | National | Prof. (Dr.) Smita Badola |
132 | Journal | REPRODUCTIVE CAPACITY AND SEX-RATIO OF NOEMACHELIUS MULTIFASCIATUS DAY FROM MANDAL RIVER, INDIA. | J. MOUNTAIN RES. | | 2021 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. (Dr.) Smita Badola |
133 | Journal | BIOMETRIC STUDY OF THE DEEP BODIED MAHSEER TOR TOR (HAMILTON BUCHANAN) FROM UJH RIVER, KATHUA (J&K). | J. MOUNTAIN RES. | | 2021 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. (Dr.) Smita Badola |
134 | Journal | REPRODUCTIVE CAPACITY AND SEX-RATIO OF NOEMACHELIUS MULTIFASCIATUS DAY FROM MANDAL RIVER, INDIA. | . J. MOUNTAIN RES.. | | 2021 | Scopus/Web of Science | National Journal | Prof. (Dr.) Smita Badola |
135 | Journal | BIOMETRIC STUDY OF THE DEEP BODIED MAHSEER TOR TOR (HAMILTON BUCHANAN) FROM UJH RIVER, KATHUA (J&K). | J. MOUNTAIN RES | | 2021 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. (Dr.) Smita Badola |
136 | Book Chapter | THE ROLE OF UTTARAKHAND WOMEN IN NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT WITH REFERENCE TO PAURI DISTRICT | “ Biodiversity Sustainability and Environmental Education” | | 2021 | Any Other | National | Prof. (Dr.) Smita Badola |
137 | Book Chapter | • COVID-19: SOCIETY AND ENVIRONMENT: A LESSON FOR FUTURE | “ Environment Issues and Mitigation Strategies” | | 2021 | Any Other | National | Prof. (Dr.) Smita Badola |
138 | Book Chapter | DIVERSITY OF FLESHY MUSHROOM IN SANGOLA | “ Biodiversity Sustainability and Environmental Education” | | 2021 | Any Other | National | Prof. (Dr.) Smita Badola |
139 | Book Chapter | Courtship. | In: Eds. Omkar and Mishra, G. Reproduction in Insects, | | 2021 | Peer Refereed | International | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
140 | Journal | Effect of dietary history on intraguild predation and cannibalism of ladybirds’ eggs | International Journal of Tropical Insect Science | 1.02 | 2021 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
141 | Journal | Influence of intraspecific competition for food on the bodyweight of the adult aphidophagous ladybird, Coccinella transversalis | European Journal of Environmental Sciences | 0.255 | 2021 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
142 | Journal | Physiology of Thyroid Hormones and the associated modelling: A review. | Scientific Research Journal of Multidisciplinary, | 0 | 2021 | Peer Refereed | National | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
143 | Journal | Manipulating mate-choice for a quantitative augmentation of a biological control agent, Coccinella transversalis Fabricius | Vantage: Journal of Thematic Analysis | 0 | 2021 | Peer Refereed | National | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
144 | Journal | Functional Morphology and characters of five abundant species of ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). | Journal of Mountain Research | 0.03 | 2021 | Scopus/Web of Science | National | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
145 | Journal | Note on results in C∗−algebra-valued metric spaces | Electron. J. Math. Anal. Appl. | | 2021 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
146 | Journal | Ordered generalized φ−contraction in ordered fuzzy metric spaces with an application in dynamic programming | J. Math. Control Sci. Appls. | .31 | 2021 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
147 | Journal | Weak subsequential continuity in fuzzy metric space and application | Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl. | .658(discontinued in 2022) | 2021 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
148 | Journal | Fixed point and a Cantilever beam problem in a partial b-metric space | Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Mathematica | .351 | 2021 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
149 | Journal | Fractals as Julia sets of complex sine function via fixed point iterations | Fractal and Fractional | 3.577 | 2021 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
150 | Journal | Results in strongly minihedral cone and scalar weighted cone metric spaces and applications | Ann. Math. Sil. | .29 | 2021 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
151 | Journal | On unique and nonunique fixed points in metric spaces and application to chemical sciences | J. Funct. Spaces | 1.281 | 2021 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
152 | Journal | Almost α-F-contraction, fixed points and applications | Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl. | .658 (discontinued in 2022) | 2021 | Scopus/Web of Science | National Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
153 | Journal | C-class and pair upper class functions and other kind of contractions in fixed point theory | Scientific Publications of the State University of Novi Pazar Ser. A: Appl. Math. Inform. and Mech. | | 2021 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
154 | Journal | On unique and nonunique fixed points and fixed circles in Mbv−metric space and application to cantilever beam problem | J. Funct. Spaces | 1.281 | 2021 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
155 | Journal | Fixed point on complete m-metric spaces via f (ψ, φ)- contraction mappings and application to periodic differential equation | Azerbaijan J. Math. | 0.82 | 2021 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
156 | Journal | Fixed point to fixed ellipse in metric spaces and discontinuous activation function | Appl. Math. E-Notes | .79 | 2021 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
157 | Journal | Fixed points and its applications in C∗−algebra valued partial metric space | TWMS J. App. and Eng. Math. | .22 | 2021 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
158 | Journal | Relation-theoretic nonlinear contractions in an F-metric space and applications | Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo II | .92 | 2021 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
159 | Book | Fixed Point Theory & its Applications to Real World Problem | Fixed Point Theory & its Applications to Real World Problem | | 2021 | Scopus/Web of Science | International | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
160 | Book Chapter | On geometric properties of non-unique fixed points in b−metric spaces | Fixed Point Theory & its Applications to Real World Problem | | 2021 | Scopus/Web of Science | International | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
161 | Book Chapter | Near fixed point, near fixed interval circle and near fixed interval disc in metric interval space | Fixed Point Theory & its Applications to Real World Problem | | 2021 | Scopus/Web of Science | International | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
162 | Book Chapter | Applications of generalized α−C ́iric ́ and α−Browder contractions in Partial Metric Spaces | Fixed Point Theory & its Applications to Real World Problem | | 2021 | Scopus/Web of Science | International | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
163 | Book Chapter | Existence of common fixed point in quasi-partial metric with applications | Fixed Point Theory & its Applications to Real World Problem | | 2021 | Scopus/Web of Science | International | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
164 | Book Chapter | Fixed point to fixed disc and application in partial metric spaces, | Fixed Point Theory & its Applications to Real World Problem | | 2021 | Scopus/Web of Science | International | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
165 | Journal | Problems of Higher Education in Hilly Areas of Uttarakhand | VIDYAWARTA (Peer Reviewed International Multilingual Research Journal) | 7.041 | 2020 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Anand Prakash Singh |
166 | Book Chapter | Uchcha Shiksha Jagat Ki Samasyaen: SuryaBala Ke Upanyas | Holistic Approach Towards Quality Enhancement In Higher Education | | 2020 | Any Other | National | Dr. Mukti Nath Yadav |
167 | Journal | Management of Working Capital - A Case Study on Tehri Hydro Development Corporation (T.H.D.C.) of India Ltd | International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research | 6.514 | 2020 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Virendra Kumar Gupta |
168 | Journal | Impact of Funding in the Development of Micro Enterprises in Uttarakhand | Sambodhi | - | 2020 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Virendra Kumar Gupta |
169 | Journal | Impact of Liquidity Management on Profitability: A case study on Uttarakhand Gramin Bank | Matadarsh | 1.7432 | 2020 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Virendra Kumar Gupta |
170 | Journal | PHYSICOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF TUMARIA RESERVOIR AT FOUR SELECTED SITES: A COMPARATIVE STUDY * | J.ENV.BIO-SCI | | 2020 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Prof. (Dr.) Smita Badola |
171 | Journal | SEASONAL VARIATION IN THE PLANKTONIC DIVERSITY OF TUMARIA RESERVIOR OF KASHIPUR ,UTTARAKHAND, INDIA | ECJ | | 2020 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. (Dr.) Smita Badola |
172 | Journal | WATER CRISIS: NEEDS CONSERVATION FOR FUTURE GENERATION | UHRI RES JOU | | 2020 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Prof. (Dr.) Smita Badola |
173 | Journal | FOREST FIRE : AN OVERVIEW OF THE BURNING FOREST WEALTH OF UTTARAKHAND | UHRI RES JOU., | | 2020 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Prof. (Dr.) Smita Badola |
174 | Book Chapter | कोविड -19: पारिस्थितिकी] पर्यावरण] एवं समाज, | “PANDEMIC COVID-19: REPERCUSSION AND LESSONS सर्वव्यापी महामारी कोविड -19: प्रभाव एवं सीख | | 2020 | Any Other | National | Prof. (Dr.) Smita Badola |
175 | Book Chapter | Coccinellids on Crops: Nature’s Gift for Farmers. | In: Akshay Kumar Chakravarty (Ed.) Innovative Pest Management Approaches for the 21st Century: Harnessing Automated Unmanned Technologies. | | 2020 | Peer Refereed | International | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
176 | Journal | Antennal Morphology and Sensilla in predaceous ladybirds, Menochilus sexmaculatus and Propylea dissecta | European Journal of Environmental Sciences | 0.255 | 2020 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
177 | Journal | Mating behavior of the predaceous ladybird, Harmonia dimidiata | European Journal of Environmental Sciences | 0.255 | 2020 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
178 | Journal | Reproduction and demography of an aphidophagous ladybird, Hippodamia variegata on different nutritive and toxic prey | International Journal of Tropical Insect Science | 1.02 | 2020 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
179 | Journal | Kin-Recognition by the adults of a biological control agent, Propylea dissecta (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). | Journal of Biological Control | 0.1 | 2020 | Scopus/Web of Science | National | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
180 | Journal | Biodiversity of Predaceous Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) in Uttarakhand, North India. | Journal of Mountain Research | 0 | 2020 | Scopus/Web of Science | National | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
181 | Journal | Fish diversity of River Bhagirathi upstream to Tehri Dam Reservoir, Uttarakhand (India) | Ecology Environment & Conservation | | 2020 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Prof. Mahabir Singh Rawat |
182 | Journal | C-class functions in generalized metric spaces and Applications | J. Anal. | 1.417 | 2020 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
183 | Journal | Coincidence theorems via contractive mappings in ordered non-Archimedean fuzzy metric spaces | J. Korean Soc. Math. Educ. Ser. B: Pure Appl. Math. | 0.416 | 2020 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
184 | Journal | Strict coincidence and common strict fixed point of a faintly compatible hybrid pair of maps via C-class function and applications | Palestine J. Math. | 0.27 | 2020 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
185 | Journal | Well-posedness and data dependence of strict fixed point for δ-Hardy Roger type contraction and applications | Appl. Math. E- Notes | .241 | 2020 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
186 | Journal | Promoting Agro-Based Industries in India (Issues and Challenges) | International Journal of Trade and Commerce | 6.318 | 2020 | Peer Refereed | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
187 | Journal | Consumer Protection in India: Empowering Consumer | International Journal of Development Research | 7.012 | 2020 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
188 | Journal | A Study on Growth of Retail Market in India | International Journal of Current Research | 7.749 | 2020 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
189 | Journal | काव्य प्रकाश में प्रतिपादित व्यंजना शक्ति की समीक्षा | GLIMPSES | 5.05 | 2019 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Poonam Pathak |
190 | Journal | Assessment of Municipal Solid waste management status for two major towns of District Nainital | International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) | 5.97(2019) | 2019 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Preeti Khanduri |
191 | Journal | Soil health management and water salinity problems | International Journal of Life Sciences | 6.3 (2019) | 2019 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Preeti Khanduri |
192 | Journal | Green synthesis and antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles using leaf extract of Ajuga parviflora BENTH IN WALL | Plant Archives | 0.123 | 2019 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi |
193 | Journal | Role of Micro Finance in Rural Development | Parishodh | - | 2019 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Virendra Kumar Gupta |
194 | Journal | Relation between organizational climate and Employee Job Satisfaction in Banking Industry | International Journal of Trade & Commerce | 5.135 | 2019 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Virendra Kumar Gupta |
195 | Journal | Analysis of Digital India Programmes | Shodhmanthan | 5.463 | 2019 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Virendra Kumar Gupta |
196 | Journal | FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT IN UTTARAKHAND STATE: POSSIBLE STRATEGIES | IJMALE | | 2019 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Prof. (Dr.) Smita Badola |
197 | Journal | ICTHYO FAUNAL DIVERSITY OF TUMARIA RESERVOIR, KASHIPUR,U.S. NAGAR(UTTARAKHAND) | ENVIRONMENT CONSERVATION JOURNAL | | 2019 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. (Dr.) Smita Badola |
198 | Journal | Biological control of Aphis craccivora (Koch) with predaceous ladybird, Hippodamia variegata (Goeze). | Indian Journal of Ecology | 0.43 | 2019 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
199 | Journal | Biodiversity Indices and Distribution of Predaceous Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) of Uttarakhand, North India | Biodiversity Journal | 0.1 | 2019 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
200 | Journal | Fixed Point under set-valued relation-theoretic nonlinear contractions and application | Filomat | .449 | 2019 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
201 | Journal | Almost alpha-Hardy-Rogers-F-contractions and applications | Armen. J. Math. | .35 | 2019 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
202 | Journal | ntegral type common fixed point theorems in modified intuitionistic fuzzy metric spaces | Afr. Mat. | .865 | 2019 | Scopus/Web of Science | International | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
203 | Journal | Existence of common fixed point in symmetric space with application | Electron. J. Math. Anal. Appl. | | 2019 | UGC Listed Journal | International | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
204 | Journal | Strict coincidence and strict common fixed point via strongly tangential property with an application | Electron. J. Math. Anal. Appl. | | 2019 | UGC Listed Journal | International | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
205 | Journal | Tourism in Tehri Garhwal District of Uttarakhand: An Overview | Vidyawarta | 6.021 | 2019 | Peer Refereed | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
206 | Journal | Impact of Mudra Yojana on Promoting Micro Enterprises | Shodhmanthan | 6.726 | 2019 | Peer Refereed | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
207 | Journal | Banking Sector Reforms: Ensuring Growth | International Journal for Research in Engineering Application and Management | 5.646 | 2019 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
208 | Journal | Entrepreneurship and Skill Development for Rural India | International Journal for Research in Engineering Application and Management | 5.834 | 2019 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
209 | Journal | Indian Textile Industry and Market Growth | Parisodh Journal | 6.3 | 2019 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
210 | Journal | Sustainable Tourism in Uttarakhand (Potential, Opportunities and Challenges) | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research | 7.95 | 2019 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
211 | Journal | Innovation and Product Development in Entrepreneurship as a Tool for Economic Growth | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts | 7.97 | 2019 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
212 | Book Chapter | Impact of Government Policy on MSME Sector in Uttarakhand | Sustainable Development: The Way Forward | | 2019 | Any Other | National Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
213 | Book Chapter | Higher Education and Skill Development in India: An Overview | Holistic Approach Towards: Quality Enhancement in Higher Education | | 2019 | Any Other | National Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
214 | Journal | 34. Inoculation of siderophore producing rhizobacteria and their consortium for growth enhancement of wheat plant | ELSEVIER | | 2018 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Gulshan Kumar Dhingra |
215 | Journal | पद्म पुराण में निहित आयुर्वेद के तत्व | RUMINATIONS | 5.25 | 2018 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Poonam Pathak |
216 | Book | शब्द शक्ति: आचार्य मम्मट एवं नागेश भट्ट | | | 2018 | Any Other | National | Dr. Poonam Pathak |
217 | Journal | KAP study on bio-medical waste management among nursing professionals in Haldwani (Nainital) | International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management (IJASRM) | 4.265 (2018) | 2018 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Preeti Khanduri |
218 | Journal | Liquid-liquid extraction of alkylated (C4-, C6- and C8-) benzene with cetane using industrial solvents | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts | | 2018 | Peer Reviewed | International | Dr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi |
219 | Journal | Extraction methods of phytochemicals | Chemical Weekly | | 2018 | Any Other | National | Dr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi |
220 | Journal | Separation of cyclopentane from close boiling paraffins using selective solvents in extractive distillation step | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research | | 2018 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi |
221 | Book | Organic & Physical Chemistry-I | Organic & Physical Chemistry-I | | 2018 | Any Other | National | Dr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi |
222 | Book Chapter | पाँच तीर्थंकरों की जन्मभूमि अयोध्या | सामाजिक समरसता | | 2018 | Any Other | National | Dr. Sangeeta Mishra |
223 | Journal | गांधी और चंपारण सत्याग्रह के सौ वर्ष | मध्य भारतीय इतिहास अनुसंधान प्रतिष्ठान ग्वालियर | | 2018 | UGC Listed Journal | National | Dr. Sangeeta Mishra |
224 | Journal | Uttarakhand Tourism - Opportunities and Challenges | Ruminations | 5.25 | 2018 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Virendra Kumar Gupta |
225 | Journal | Cognizance about menstruation among urban young women of Delhi-NCR: A socio-cultural perception. | Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Biology. | 0 | 2018 | Peer Reviewed | International | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
226 | Journal | Incidence of Egg-Cannibalism by Stage-Specific kins of Two Predaceous Ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). | Journal of Mountain Research | 0.02 | 2018 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
227 | Journal | Demographic parameters of a predaceous ladybird, Hippodamia variegata (Goeze) on aphid, Aphis craccivora (Koch) reared on four host-plants. | Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control | 2.055 | 2018 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
228 | Journal | Host plant mediated prey preference and consumption by an aphidophagous ladybird, Menochilus sexmaculatus (Fabricius). | Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control | 2.055 | 2018 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
229 | Book Chapter | Termite Biology and Social Behaviour | In: M.A. Khan & W. Ahmad (Eds.), Sustainable Termite Management, Sustainability in Plant and Crop Protection Vol. I. | | 2018 | Peer Refereed | International | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
230 | Journal | Ecological perspective of the diversity of functional responses | European Journal of Environmental Sciences | 0.255 | 2018 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
231 | Journal | Foraging behaviour of predaceous ladybird beetles: a review | European Journal of Environmental Sciences | 0.255 | 2018 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
232 | Journal | Biocontrol, An ecofriendly pest management technique. | Everyman’s Science | | 2018 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
233 | Journal | Phytoplankton community in relation to physicochemical characteristic in of Renuka Lake and Parshuram Tal (H.P.), Indiaadesh | International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews | | 2018 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Prof. Mahabir Singh Rawat |
234 | Journal | Decision Making Effectiveness of Executives (A case study of T.H.D.C. Ltd.) | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research | 7.95 | 2018 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
235 | Book Chapter | Cross Border Merger and Acquisitions: An Indian Perspective | Globalization: Prospects and opportunities for a New India | | 2018 | Any Other | National Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
236 | Book Chapter | Cross Border Merger and Acquisitions: An Indian Perspective | Globalization: Prospects and opportunities for a New india | | 2018 | Any Other | National Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
237 | Journal | GST: Impact on Indian Economy | Journal of Research Thought | - | 2018 | Peer Refereed | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
238 | Journal | Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMES) in India | Kalam: The Power of Truth | - | 2018 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
239 | Journal | पर्यावरण चिंतन : एक वैदिक दृष्टि | RUMINATIONS | 4.5 | 2017 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Poonam Pathak |
240 | Journal | वैदिक वांगमय में ब्रह्मवादिनी स्त्रियाँ | GLIMPSES | 5.05 | 2017 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Poonam Pathak |
241 | Journal | वैदिक वांगमय में प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा | GLIMPSES | 5.05 | 2017 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Poonam Pathak |
242 | Book Chapter | भारतीय संस्कृति में प्रासाद स्थापत्य की उत्पत्ति | Indian Culture at a Glance | | 2017 | Any Other | National | Dr. Sangeeta Mishra |
243 | Journal | A Conceptual Study of Corporate Social Responsibility with Special Reference to Punjab National Bank | Ruminations | 4.5 | 2017 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Virendra Kumar Gupta |
244 | Journal | An analysis of organizational climate and work culture in private sector banks | Hermeneutics | 4.481 | 2017 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Virendra Kumar Gupta |
245 | Journal | Influence of organizational climate and work culture on employee job satisfaction in banking industry | Anwesh | - | 2017 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Virendra Kumar Gupta |
246 | Journal | Managerial Excellence and Human Rights | Glimpses | 5.05 | 2017 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Virendra Kumar Gupta |
247 | Journal | “FISH WEALTH OF UTTARAKHAND : THREATS AND TIPS FOR CONSERVATION”. | THE UHRI RESEARCH JOURNAL | | 2017 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Prof. (Dr.) Smita Badola |
248 | Journal | MAUND MELA (FISHING FAIR) IN GARHWAL HIMALAYA : SOCIAL, ECOLOGICAL AND CONSERVATION ASPECTS | THE UHRI RESEARCH JOURNAL | | 2017 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Prof. (Dr.) Smita Badola |
249 | Journal | Toxicity of Nano-materials to Environment and mankind: an overview | International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | 0.106 | 2017 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
250 | Book Chapter | In: Indian Culture at a glance. Edited by Dr. Seraj Mohammad, | Culture of using old agricultural practices can be a solution for the hazardous chemical pesticides. | | 2017 | Peer Reviewed | National | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
251 | Journal | Effect of nutritious and toxic prey on food preference of a predaceous ladybird, Coccinella septempunctata. | European Journal of Entomology | 1.34 | 2017 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
252 | Journal | Intraguild Predation of Eggs by Predaceous Ladybirds, Propylea dissecta and Menochilus sexmaculatus. | Journal of Mountain Research | 0.02 | 2017 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
253 | Book | Concepts of Toxicology | Concepts of Toxicology Third Edition | | 2017 | Peer Reviewed | National | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
254 | Journal | Preference of the aphidophagous ladybird, Propylea dissecta for two species of aphids reared on toxic host plants. | European Journal of Environmental Sciences | 0.255 | 2017 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
255 | Journal | Water quality status of high altitude lake Nachiketa Tal, Garhwal Himalaya, Uttarakhand , India | Journal of Global Biosciences | | 2017 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Prof. Mahabir Singh Rawat |
256 | Journal | Study on the fecundity of brown trout (Salmo trutta fario L.) in River Asiganga, Uttarkashi (Uttarakhanda), India | Int. J. of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies | | 2017 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Prof. Mahabir Singh Rawat |
257 | Book Chapter | Common Fixed Point Theorems with an Application | Recent Advances in Fixed Point Theory and Applications | | 2017 | Scopus/Web of Science | International | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
258 | Journal | Common fixed point theorems via generalized condition (B) in quasi-partial metric space and applications | Demonstr. Math. | 2.093 | 2017 | Scopus/Web of Science | International | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
259 | Journal | Socio-Economic Inequalities in India | Journal of Research Thought | - | 2017 | Peer Refereed | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
260 | Journal | Customer Satisfaction in Public Sector Banks | Kalam: The Power of Truth | - | 2017 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
261 | Journal | Financial Inclusion in Rising India | International Journal of Creative Research Thought | 7.97 | 2017 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
262 | Journal | श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता में भक्ति-योग | Vidyawarta | 3.102 | 2016 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Poonam Pathak |
263 | Book Chapter | Dyeing on wool using eco-friendly natural dyes | Proceeding of International seminar on sustainable development: Challenges and Strategies | | 2016 | Any Other | National | Dr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi |
264 | Journal | Revitalizing traditional healthcare practices | Chemical Weekly | | 2016 | Any Other | National | Dr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi |
265 | Journal | Application of Erythrina suberosa flower dye on wool fibers using combination of mordants | Journal of Applicable Chemistry | | 2016 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi |
266 | Journal | Liquid-liquid equilibrium studies on model hydrocarbons representing heart cut for cyclohexane using industrial solvents | Accent Journal of Economics Ecology and Engineering | 3.58 | 2016 | Peer Reviewed | International | Dr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi |
267 | Journal | A new glycopyranoside from Scutellaria scandens Bark | International Journal of Chemical Studies | | 2016 | Peer Reviewed | International | Dr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi |
268 | Journal | Traditional Healthcare Practices among the Villages of Khirshu, Pauri, Uttarakhand, India | Social Science Review | 0.32 | 2016 | Peer Reviewed | International | Dr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi |
269 | Journal | Future Prospects of E-Commerce in India | International Journal of Trends in Economics Management and Technology | 1.41 | 2016 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Virendra Kumar Gupta |
270 | Book Chapter | “ROLE OF ICT IN FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT” | –“WAY AND MEANS OF QUALITY AND EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION”, | | 2016 | Any Other | National | Prof. (Dr.) Smita Badola |
271 | Journal | Implications of fluoride toxicity on the male reproductive system: a Review. | Journal of Mountain Research | 0.02 | 2016 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
272 | Book Chapter | Ladybird Beetles. | In: Ecofriendly Pest Management for Food Security. (Ed. Omkar). | | 2016 | Peer Refereed | International | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
273 | Journal | Primary productivity of high altitude lake Nachiketa Tal of Garhwal Himalaya (Uttarakhand), India | European Academic Research | | 2016 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Prof. Mahabir Singh Rawat |
274 | Journal | Business Management and the Holy Gita (A Case Study of Modern World) | Kalam: The Power of Truth | - | 2016 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
275 | Journal | महाकवि अश्वघोष का दार्शनिक चिंतन | Printing Area | | 2015 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Poonam Pathak |
276 | Journal | Solid waste management: Soil depletion, exhaustion, erosion and fertilizers; and remedies | Journal of Agroecology and Natural Resource Management | | 2015 | Any Other | National Journal | Dr. Preeti Khanduri |
277 | Journal | Study of some eco-friendly natural dye on wool fibers | International Journal of Innovation in Engineering Research and Management | | 2015 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi |
278 | Book Chapter | विकास एवम पर्यावरण चेतना | Globalization Environment and Quality of Life | | 2015 | Any Other | National | Dr. Sangeeta Mishra |
279 | Journal | Mycorrhizal Associations of Bamboo Species of FRI Bambusetum, , Vol. 14, Nos. 1-4, (2015) | India J. Bamboo and Rattan | | 2015 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Dr. Shalini Rawat |
280 | Book Chapter | ,“IMPACT OF DAMS ON FISHES IN UTTARAKHAND” | “DEVELOPMENT AND ECOLOGICAL CHALLENGES” | | 2015 | Any Other | National | Prof. (Dr.) Smita Badola |
281 | Book Chapter | In: Environmental Economics and Social Sustainability, eds. Prem Prakash & Narendra Kumar Singh, | Predaceous Ladybirds – An ecofriendly option for the aphid pest management: A review”: | | 2015 | Peer Reviewed | National | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
282 | Journal | Improved SAS codes for life table analysis of arthropod Populations. | Revista Da Estatistica UFOP | 0.2 | 2015 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
283 | Journal | Common fixed point theorems for R-weakly Commuting maps satisfying common property (E.A.) in intuitionistic fuzzy metric spaces using implicit relation | J. Indian Math. Soc., New Ser. | .42 | 2015 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
284 | Journal | Problem of Agriculture Credit to Small and Marginal Farmers | Kalam: The Power of Truth | - | 2015 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
285 | Book Chapter | Premchand ki Kahaniyan - Gullidanda ka vishleshan aur Mulyankan | IGNOU Text Book | | 2014 | Peer Reviewed | National | Dr. Adheer Kumar |
286 | Book Chapter | Editorial | Quarterly Magazine Karmachari - Shikshak Darpan | | 2014 | Any Other | National | Dr. Adheer Kumar |
287 | Journal | श्रीमद्भागवत महापुराण में काव्य तत्व | Vidyawarta | | 2014 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Poonam Pathak |
288 | Journal | व्याकरण शास्त्र में प्रतिपादित शब्द स्वरूप | Vidyawarta | | 2014 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Poonam Pathak |
289 | Book | संस्कृत साहित्य के प्रतिनिधि कवि : वाल्मीकि से दण्डी तक | | | 2014 | Any Other | National | Dr. Poonam Pathak |
290 | Journal | Three new chemical constituents from Wendlandia puberula roots | International Journal of Innovation in Engineering Research and Management | 3.53 | 2014 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi |
291 | Journal | Optimization of procedure for dyeing cotton and wool fabric with natural dye extracted from Myrica esculenta using different mordants | J. Mountain Res. | | 2014 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi |
292 | Journal | Allelopathic Potential of Some Prunus Species and Identification of Allelochemicals, | Journal of Applicable Chemistry | | 2014 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi |
293 | Journal | सूत्र साहित्य में प्रतिबिंबित वास्तु विद्या | United Journal of Awadh Scholars | | 2014 | Any Other | National Journal | Dr. Sangeeta Mishra |
294 | Journal | जैन साधना में श्रावक धर्म | श्रमण | | 2014 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Sangeeta Mishra |
295 | Journal | Inference on Arthropod Demographic Parameters: Computational Advances using R. | Journal of Economic Entomology | 2.447 | 2014 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
296 | Journal | Length-weight relationship and condition factor of brown trout (Salmo trutta ferio L.) from river Asiganga, Uttarakhand (India) | Environment Conservation Journal | | 2014 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Prof. Mahabir Singh Rawat |
297 | Journal | Length-weight relationship and condition factor of brown trout (Salmo trutta ferio L.) from river Asiganga, Uttarakhand (India) | Environment Conservation Journal | | 2014 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Prof. Mahabir Singh Rawat |
298 | Journal | Coincidence and common fixed point theorems in fuzzy metric spaces using a Meir-Keeler Type contractive condition | Gazi Univ. J. Sci. | 0.672 | 2014 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
299 | Journal | Common fixed point theorems using property (E.A.) and its variants involving quadratic terms | Ann. Fuzzy Math. Inform. | | 2014 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
300 | Journal | Faintly compatible maps and existence of common fixed points in fuzzy metric space | Ann. Fuzzy Math. Inform. | | 2014 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
301 | Journal | Common Fixed Point Theorems for Single Valued Weakly Compatible Maps in Metric Space | Gazi Univ. J Sci | .672 | 2014 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
302 | Journal | Fixed point theorems for quadruple of self maps in Normed Boolean Vector space | Math. Sci. Lett. | | 2014 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
303 | Journal | Market- Oriented Farming (Impact on Income, Employment, Labour Composition and Migration: A Case Study) | Journal Of Research Thought | - | 2014 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
304 | Journal | Commercial Viability and Strategy for Success of Agro- Industries in Hill Region of Uttarakhand | Kalam: The Power of Truth | - | 2014 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
305 | Book Chapter | Role of ICTs in Socio-Economic Development of India | ICT in Education | - | 2014 | Any Other | National Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
306 | Book Chapter | Dev-Bhumi vis-a-vis Disaster Bhumi | Uttarakhand Disaster | | 2014 | Any Other | National Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
307 | Book Chapter | Sustainable Tourism in Uttarakhand | Contemporary Practices Trends and Innovations in Hospitality and Tourism | | 2014 | Any Other | National Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
308 | Journal | महाकवि अश्वघोष पर बौद्ध धर्म के प्रभाव का समीक्षात्मक विश्लेषण | Vidyawarta | | 2013 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Poonam Pathak |
309 | Journal | रामायण में प्रतिबिम्बित महर्षि वाल्मीकि की चिंतन दृष्टि | Vidyawarta | | 2013 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Poonam Pathak |
310 | Journal | New Iridoid glycosides from Wendlandia puberula | Journal of Applicable Chemistry | 2.56 | 2013 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi |
311 | Journal | Improvement of the traditional system of dyeing on wool fiber using eco-friendly natural dye | Journal of Applicable Chemistry | 2.56 | 2013 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi |
312 | Journal | वास्तुकला की उत्पत्ति | गुरुकुल शोध प्रभा | | 2013 | Peer Reviewed | National | Dr. Sangeeta Mishra |
313 | Book Chapter | दूरस्थ शिक्षा में सूचना एवम संप्रेषण तकनीकी की भूमिका | शिक्षा में सूचना एवम संप्रेषण प्रौद्योगिकी | | 2013 | Any Other | National | Dr. Sangeeta Mishra |
314 | Journal | Life-table of Parthenium beetle, Zygogramma bicolorata (Coleoptera: Chrysomellidae) under different factors | Acta Entomologica Sinica | 0.2 | 2013 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
315 | Journal | Mating patterns in the aphidophagous Ladybird, Hippodamia variegata, depend on body size. | European Journal of Environmental Sciences | 0.255 | 2013 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
316 | Journal | Demographic attributes of Parthenium beetle, Zygogramma bicolorata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) under different variables | International Journal of Tropical Insect Science | 1.02 | 2013 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
317 | Journal | A common fixed point theorem in Non-Archimedean Menger PM-Space | An. Univ. Oradea, Fasc. Mat. | | 2013 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
318 | Journal | Entrepreneurship Development in India (Challenges and Opportunites) | Journal of Business and Finance | - | 2013 | Any Other | National Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
319 | Journal | Challenges and Opportunities of Rural Enterprises in Uttarakhand: A Dynamic Perspective | Journal of Business and Finance | - | 2013 | Any Other | National Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi |
320 | Book Chapter | Jayasi : Jiwan avam Sahityalochna | Madhyakalin Kavita UOU Text Book | | 2012 | Peer Reviewed | National | Dr. Adheer Kumar |
321 | Book Chapter | Tulsi : Parichay Path avam Alochna | Madhyakalin Kavita UOU Text Book | | 2012 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Dr. Adheer Kumar |
322 | Journal | Meeran ka Rag-Virag aur Hindi Alochna | Katha | | 2012 | Peer Refereed | National | Dr. Adheer Kumar |
323 | Journal | Sundarta ki Sahaj Swadhinta ka Bhartiya Nari Kalp | Prasthan | | 2012 | Peer Refereed | National | Dr. Adheer Kumar |
324 | Journal | अहिंसा- जैन धर्म का आधार स्तंभ | रासो | | 2012 | UGC Listed Journal | National | Dr. Sangeeta Mishra |
325 | Journal | मानव जीवन के उन्नयन में संस्कारों का योगदान | जयराम संदेश | | 2012 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Sangeeta Mishra |
326 | Journal | जैन धर्म के प्रथम तीर्थंकर ऋषभदेव पुरातत्व के अवगुंठन में | United Journal of Awadh Scholars | | 2012 | Any Other | National Journal | Dr. Sangeeta Mishra |
327 | Journal | वैदिक वांगमय में वास्तुकला | गुरुकुल पत्रिका | | 2012 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Sangeeta Mishra |
329 | Book Chapter | Science and Technology in Uttarakhand (eds.) Dobhal, R., Uniyal, D.P. & Purohit, B.P. | Biocontrol of Aphids using Two Species of Predatory Ladybirds. | | 2012 | Peer Reviewed | National | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
330 | Journal | Stage specific Functional Response of an aphidophagous ladybird, Coccinella septempunctata L. on two aphid species | International Journal of Tropical Insect Science | 1.02 | 2012 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
331 | Journal | Diurnal variation in physicochemical characteristics and phytoplankton population density of high altitude lake Dodi Tal, Uttarakhand | Ecology Environment & Conservation | | 2012 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Prof. Mahabir Singh Rawat |
332 | Book Chapter | Sahaj Swadhin aur Sundar Stri ka Mithak- Urvashi | Dinkar : Path-Punarpath | | 2011 | Any Other | National | Dr. Adheer Kumar |
333 | Journal | भारतीय संस्कृति में प्रकृति की महत्ता | जयराम संदेश | | 2011 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Sangeeta Mishra |
334 | Journal | Ecological significance of mycotrophy of some tropical weeds | . Tropical Ecology | | 2011 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Shalini Rawat |
335 | Journal | Ecology of an aphidophagous ladybird Propylea: A Review | Journal of Asia Pacific Entomology | 1.586 | 2011 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
336 | Journal | Functional Response of two aphidophagous ladybirds searching in tandem | Biocontrol Science and Technology | 1.81 | 2011 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
337 | Journal | Duration of Development and Survival of larvae of Coccinella transversalis fed on essential and alternative foods. | European Journal of Environmental Sciences | 0.255 | 2011 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
338 | Journal | Mate choice and Polyandry benefits reproduction and progeny fitness in the ladybird, Hippodamia variegata (Goeze). | European Journal of Environmental Sciences | 0.255 | 2011 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Prof. Ahmad Pervez |
339 | Book Chapter | High altitude lakes of Garhwal Himalaya. The lesser known ecosystem | Himalayan Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation and New tools in Biotechnology | | 2011 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Prof. Mahabir Singh Rawat |
340 | Journal | Status of brown trout (Salmo trutta ferio L.) in Garhwal Himlaya with a note on its morphometric characteristics | Environment Conservation Journal | | 2011 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Prof. Mahabir Singh Rawat |
341 | Journal | Remarks on convergence among Picard, Mann and Ishikawa iteration for complex space | Int. J. Comp. Appls. | | 2011 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
342 | Journal | Some Fixed Point Theorems on Meir Keeler Type under Strict Contractions | Int. J. Comp. Appls. | | 2011 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
343 | Journal | Fixed point theorems for two pair of maps satisfying a new contractive condition of integral type | Acta Cienc. Indica Math. | | 2011 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
344 | Journal | Miljul Man : Sadhi Kalam ki kriti | Vartman Sahitya | | 2010 | Peer Refereed | National | Dr. Adheer Kumar |
345 | Book Chapter | Badalte Jiwan Mulya: Pryawaran aur Samaj | Uttarakhand Samajshastra Parishad Smarika | | 2010 | Any Other | National | Dr. Adheer Kumar |
346 | Journal | Effect of Scarification to enhance seed germination of certain woody plant species”. | Journal Of Indian Botanical Society | | 2010 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Preeti Khanduri |
347 | Journal | In Vitro Propagation of certain ethno-medicinal herbs in hilly areas by synthetic seed technology | Journal Of Indian Botanical Society | | 2010 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Preeti Khanduri |
348 | Journal | उत्तराखंड में प्रस्फुटिक अध्यात्म विज्ञान एवं तप साधना के विविध रूप | United Journal of Awadh Scholars | | 2010 | Any Other | National Journal | Dr. Sangeeta Mishra |
349 | Journal | प्राचीन भारत के धार्मिक एवं अध्यात्मिक ज्ञान प्रसार में नारी का योगदान | United Journal of Awadh Scholars | | 2010 | Any Other | National Journal | Dr. Sangeeta Mishra |
350 | Journal | वेदमाता गायत्री के शक्ति संचरण की वैज्ञानिक अवधारणा | जयराम संदेश | | 2010 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Sangeeta Mishra |
351 | Book Chapter | Quality of Professional Education in the present era | Professional Education | | 2010 | Any Other | National | Dr. Sangeeta Mishra |
353 | Book Chapter | Analysis of zooplankton population in Garhwal Himalayan lake Deoria Tal, Uttarakhand | Aquatic Ecosystem and its Management | | 2010 | Any Other | National | Prof. Mahabir Singh Rawat |
354 | Journal | Fixed point theorems in symmetric spaces and invariant approximations | Int. J. Comp. Appls. | | 2010 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |
355 | Journal | Fixed point theorems in Fuzzy Metric spaces using implicit relations | Int. J. Comp. Appls. | | 2010 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Prof.(Dr.) Anita Tomar |