Paper Published in Journal

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309 Record(s)
 TypePaper/Book TitleName of Journal/Book Year  By
1JournalTRENDS OF KAFAL TREE RESOURCES UTILIZATION IN GARHWAL HIMALAYA: DECADAL DYNAMICS FROM 1985 TO THE PRESENT Annals of Science and Allied Research 2024Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Preeti Khanduri
2JournalWATER QUALITY ANALYSIS OF YAMUNA RIVER IN FEW SELECTED SITES OF YAMUNANAGAR, HARYANA Annals of Science and Allied Research 2024Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Preeti Khanduri
3Book TEXT BOOK ON ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION 2024Any OtherNationalDr. Preeti Khanduri
4Book Chapterपारिस्थितिकी तंत्र पर्यावरण अध्यन 2024Any OtherNationalDr. Preeti Khanduri
5JournalAllelopathic effects of Cassia fistula L on germination and seedlings growth of Raphanus sativus LAllelopathy Journal1.32024Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalDr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi
6Journalगंगा अवतरण एवम्‌ स्वर्ग की व्यावहारिक अवधारणासंस्कृत रत्नाकर: 2024Peer ReviewedNational JournalDr. Sangeeta Mishra
7Journalप्राचीन भारतीय साहित्य में राष्ट्र्बोधजयराम संदेश 2024Peer ReviewedNational JournalDr. Sangeeta Mishra
8BookText book on Environmental EducationText book on Environmental Education 2024Any OtherNationalDr. Shalini Rawat
9JournalAMARANTHUS SPP. IN UTTARAKHAND: A NARRATIVE REVIEW OF ETHNOMEDICINAL, PHYTOCHEMICAL AND NUTRITIONAL ASPECTSAnnals of Science and Allied Research Vol. 2 (1) June, 2024: 38-46. 2024UGC Listed JournalNational JournalDr. Shalini Rawat
10JournalTRENDS OF KAFAL TREE RESOURCES UTILIZATION IN GARHWAL HIMALAYA: DECADAL DYNAMICS FROM 1985 TO THE PRESENTAnnals of Science and Allied Research Vol. 2 (1) June, 2024: 66-75. 2024Peer ReviewedNational JournalDr. Shalini Rawat
11JournalA Narrative Review On Medicinal Importance Of Cannabis Sativa In IndiaIJRAR - International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138, 7.172024Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Shalini Rawat
12BookGender roles and Green Concepts: Pathways to environmental sustainability, Vol. I. Gender roles and Green Concepts 2024Any OtherNationalProf. Ahmad Pervez
13Book ChapterKafal Ke RangUttarakhand ki Lok Sanskriti : Vividh Aayam 2023Any OtherNationalDr. Adheer Kumar
14Book - Garhwali Bhasha Avam Sanskriti 2023UGC Listed JournalNational JournalDr. Mukti Nath Yadav
15Book Environment Studies and Value Education 2023UGC Listed JournalNational JournalDr. Mukti Nath Yadav
16Book Paryavaran Adhyyan avam mulya Shiksha 2023Any OtherNationalDr. Mukti Nath Yadav
17JournalDyeing textiles with eco-friendly natural dyes: A brief reviewInternational Journal of Global Science Reasearch 2023Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi
18JournalEthno-Medicinal Plants Used by the Traditional Healers (Vaidyas) in Pindar Valley, Chamoli, Uttarakhand, IndiaJournal Global Values 2023Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi
19Book ChapterDyeing of wool fibers with some natural dyes and environmental impactEnvironment and Human Health: Global Issues 2023Any OtherNational JournalDr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi
20Journalआधुनिक परिप्रेक्ष्य में डॉ बी० आर० आम्बेडकर के विचारों की प्रासंगिकताAkshara Multidisciplinary Research Journal 5.6752023Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Sangeeta Mishra
21Journalवर्तमान परिप्रेक्ष्य में श्री रामचरित मानस की प्रासंगिकताजयराम संदेश 2023Peer ReviewedNational JournalDr. Sangeeta Mishra
22Journalमहात्मा गांधी की धर्म सम्बंधी अवधारणाAkshara Multidisciplinary Research Journal5.6752023Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Sangeeta Mishra
23Journalमहाकाव्य काल में वास्तुकलासंस्कृत रत्नाकर: 2023Peer ReviewedNational JournalDr. Sangeeta Mishra
24JournalA review on world’s potential anti-malarial plants and their phytochemicals”. Annals of science and allied research 2023Peer ReviewedNational JournalDr. Shalini Rawat
25JournalLanthanide complexes derived from tetradentate macrocyclic ligand: synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial studies. Annals of science and allied research 2023Peer ReviewedNational JournalDr. Shalini Rawat
27Book ChapterSoil microbes and their interactionGreen Chemistry and Environmental management (Edited book) 2023Any OtherNational JournalDr. Shalini Rawat
28JournalRegenerational Analysis of Seedlings and Saplings of Badshahithaul Forest Area of Chamba Block (Near New Tehri Town), District Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, IndiaInternational Journal of Environmental Sciences UGC Approved-A Peer Reviewed Quarterly Journal (SJIF: 6.043)2023Peer ReviewedInternationalDr. Shalini Rawat
29JournalVegetation Analysis of Tree layer of Temperate Himalayan forest: A Case Study of Kotdwara-Ranichauri, Chamba Block, Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, IndiaInternational Journal of Environmental Sciences (CIF: 3.654)2023Peer ReviewedInternationalDr. Shalini Rawat
30BookTwo Units4- “ Fish and Fisheries (Applied Icthyology) M.Sc. IV Semester, Uttarakhand Open University  2023Any OtherNationalProf. (Dr.) Smita Badola
31Book ChapterNanomaterials in the environment: impacts and challengesSeema Sahadevan, Akhilesh Rai and Santosh Kumar (eds.). Nanomaterial-Plant Interaction: Nanoparticles and plant-microbe interactions: An environmental perspective 2023Scopus/Web of ScienceInternationalProf. Ahmad Pervez
32Book ChapterPlants and Microbial NanotoxicologySeema Sahadevan, Akhilesh Rai and Santosh Kumar (eds.). Nanomaterial-Plant Interaction: Nanoparticles and plant-microbe interactions: An environmental perspective 2023Scopus/Web of ScienceInternationalProf. Ahmad Pervez
33Book ChapterInsect Pests ManagementIn: (ed.) Manoj Kumar Arya. Biodiversity, Environment And Ecosystem Services 2023Peer ReviewedNationalProf. Ahmad Pervez
34Book ChapterEcology and Behaviour of Predaceous Ladybird Beetles (Coleoptera Coccinellidae). In: (ed.) Manoj Kumar Arya. Biodiversity, Environment And Ecosystem Services 2023Peer ReviewedNationalProf. Ahmad Pervez
35Book ChapterHuman Population Growth and DynamicsIn : eds M Yadav and Brototi Roy. A Comprehensive Textbook of Human Reproductive Biology and Health 2023Peer RefereedNationalProf. Ahmad Pervez
36JournalOn solutions to open problems and Volterra-Hammerstein non-linear integral equationApplied Math. E-Notes.792023Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
37JournalBest proximant for set-valued maps via proximal relationsInt. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl.0.658 (discontinued in 2022)2023Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
38JournalOn Fixed Point, its geometry and application to satellite web coupling problem in S−Metric SpacesAIMS Math.2.739 2023Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
39JournalFractals as Julia and Mandelbrot sets of complex cosine functions via fixed point iterations Symmetry2.9402023Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
40JournalCommon fixed points and convergence results for α-Krasnosel'skii mappings AIMS Math 2.7392023Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
41JournalGeometry and application in economics of fixed pointSymmetry2.9402023Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
42JournalFixed point, its geometry and application via ω-interpolative contraction of Suzuki type mappingMath. Meth. Appl. Sci.3.1712023Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
43JournalNEP-2020 and Youth EmpowermentSodh-Shree(A Peer Reviewed International Referred Journal)5.4652022Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Anand Prakash Singh
44Book ChapterPteridophyta Gymnosperm and Elementary PaleobotanyPteridophyta Gymnosperm and Elementary Paleobotany 2022UGC Listed JournalNational JournalDr. Gulshan Kumar Dhingra
45JournalKavya Bhasha ke Bare men Tulasidas ki Manytayen, Shodh Disha  2022UGC Listed JournalNationalDr. Mukti Nath Yadav
46BookFundamentals of Chemistry-IFundamentals of Chemistry-I 2022Any OtherNationalDr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi
47JournalA Comparative Account Of Tree Diversity By Phytosociological Method In Badshahithaul Forest Of Chamba Block Of Tehri Garhwal, UttarakhandVoyager: Impact Factor 8.005 (SJIF)2022Peer ReviewedNational JournalDr. Shalini Rawat
48JournalEthnobotanical Study on Some Plants Commonly Used for the Treatment of Skin Diseases in Kotdwara-Bhabhar Range of UttarakhandVoyager: Vol. XIV, 2023 ISSN: (P) 0976-7436 (e) 2455-054X Impact Factor 8.419 (SJIF)Impact Factor 8.419 (SJIF)2022Peer ReviewedNational JournalDr. Shalini Rawat
50Book ChapterInsects in the modern worldIn: (ed) Dr. Feyza Döndü Bilgin, Resilient Agriculture With The Help Of Crop Diversification.  2022Peer RefereedInternationalProf. Ahmad Pervez
51Book ChapterTravel to the Past in Entomology in IndiaIn: ed Mustafa Kahyaoglu. Multidisciplinary perspectives in education and social sciences III. 2022Peer RefereedInternationalProf. Ahmad Pervez
52JournalCumulative functional responses of larvae and adults of two aphidophagous ladybirds. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science1.022022Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
53JournalIntraguild Predation of inferior larval stages of the two aphidophagous ladybirds.Entomon 0.222022Scopus/Web of ScienceNationalProf. Ahmad Pervez
54JournalImpact of egg-quality and its laying pattern on the fate of egg-cannibalism and intraguild predation in ladybirdsJournal of Entomology and Zoology Studies0.012022UGC Listed JournalNationalProf. Ahmad Pervez
55JournalPrey preference of an aphidophagous ladybird, Coccinella transversalis (Coccinellidae: Coleoptera) on two aphid speciesJournal of Entomology and Zoology Studies0.012022UGC Listed JournalNationalProf. Ahmad Pervez
56JournalInfluence of Functional response on the bodyweight of a biological control agent, Coccinella transversalis Fabricius (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies0.012022UGC Listed JournalNationalProf. Ahmad Pervez
57JournalCourtship behaviour and mating refusals in an aphidophagous ladybird, Coccinella transversalisInternational Journal of Tropical Insect Science1.022022Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
58JournalFunctional morphology of mouthparts and antennal sensillae of two co-generic aphidophagous ladybirdsInternational Journal of Tropical Insect Science1.022022Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
59JournalReproductive Behaviour of predaceous ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae): A reviewInternational Journal of Tropical Insect Science1.022022Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
60JournalFood preference, growth and development of three aphidophagous ladybirds preying on conspecific and heterospecific eggsInternational Journal of Tropical Insect Science1.022022Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
61JournalVariation in reproductive attributes and diapause behaviour among selected populations of Zygogramma bicolorata PallisterInternational Journal of Tropical Insect Science1.022022Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
62JournalMandelbrot fractals using fixed-point technique of sine functionProc. Inst. Math. Mech., Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb.1.362022Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
63JournalOn unique and non-unique fixed point in parametric Nb−metric spaces with applicationActa Univ. Sapientiae Math..3722022Scopus/Web of ScienceNational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
64JournalOn existence of fixed points and applications to a boundary value problem and a Matrix equation in C* -Algebra Valued Partial Metric SpacesActa Univ. Sapientiae, Math..3722022Scopus/Web of ScienceNational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
65JournalOn Solution of Nonlinear Integral and Fractional Differential Equations via Discontinuous Nonlinear ContractionsJ. Math.1.5552022Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
66JournalA brief study of dynamics of Julia sets for entire transcendental function using Mann iterative schemeFractals and Fract.3.5772022Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
67JournalJulia and Mandelbrot sets of transcendental function via Fibonacci-Mann iterationJ. Funct. Spaces1.2812022Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
68JournalVariants of Mandelbrot and Julia fractals for higher-order complex polynomialsMath. Meth. Appl. Sci.3.1712022Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
69JournalVariants of Julia and Mandelbrot sets as fractals via Jungck-Ishikawa fixed point iteration system with s-convexityAIMS Math.2.7392022Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
70JournalFixed point to fixed circle and activation function in partial metric spaceJ. Appl. Anal.0.7672022Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
71JournalRelation theoretic contractions and its applications in b−metric like spacesJ. Appl. Anal..767 2022Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
72JournalNear fixed point, near fixed interval circle and their equivalence classes in a b−interval metric spaceInt. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl..658 (discontinued in 2022)2022Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
73JournalA survey of C−class and pair upper class functions in fixed point theory Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl. .658 (discontinued in 2022)2022Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
74JournalRelation theoretic results via simulation function with applications Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl.0.658 (discontinued in 2022)2022Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
75Book ChapterContribution of Aryabhat in Ancient MathematicsProceedings of the National Conference of Mathematics and its Application in Science (NCMAS 2022 2022Peer ReviewedNationalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
76Book ChapterFermat's Contribution in MathematicsUnderstanding Values and Ethics in Shrinking World 2022Peer ReviewedNationalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
77JournalEmerging Trends of E-Commerce in India Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 7.952022UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
78Journalकामकाजीमहिलाओंमेंभूमिकासंघर्षएवंसमायोजनकीस्थितिकासमाजषास्त्रीयअध्ययन“SHODH SHREE” (A Peer Reviewed International Refereed Journal)5.025 2021Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Anand Prakash Singh
79Book Samkalin Hindi Mahila Upanyason Men Samajik Aur Rajnitik Chetana  2021Any OtherNationalDr. Mukti Nath Yadav
80Book ChapterFit India Holistic Health Care for Quality Life Sahitya Aur Swasthyay 2021Any OtherNationalDr. Mukti Nath Yadav
81JournalEnvironmental hazards and crisis management for sustainable developmentInternational Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) SJIF (2020): 7.8032021Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Preeti Khanduri
82JournalNew Hexaaza Macro Cyclic Complexes: Synthesis, Characterization and their Antimicrobial ActivitiesWutan Huatan Jisuan Jishu 2021UGC Listed JournalNational JournalDr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi
83JournalBiosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Terminalia bellirica fruit extract and their characterizationJ. Mountain Res. 2021UGC Listed JournalNational JournalDr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi
84Journalश्री भगवद् गीता में वर्णित कर्मयोगसंस्कृत रत्नाकर: 2021Peer ReviewedNationalDr. Sangeeta Mishra
85JournalA Comparative Account of Improvising Degraded Soil Health: From Organic Agriculture PerspectiveInternational Journal of Life Sciences CIF: 5.411; SJIF: 6.4312021Peer ReviewedInternationalDr. Shalini Rawat
86JournalRole of Motivation in increasing performance and job satisfaction of employees in banking industry Juni Khyat-2021Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Virendra Kumar Gupta
87JournalRole of Government and other Funding Agencies in the Growth of Micro Enterprises in UttarakhandInternational Journals of Multidisciplinary Research Academy7.0812021Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Virendra Kumar Gupta
88JournalRole of Customer Relationship Management in BusinessAbhinav Gaveshna-2021Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Virendra Kumar Gupta
89Book“ Biodiversity Sustainability and Environmental Education” Edition: 2021 ISBN: 978-93-83837-82-3 “ Biodiversity Sustainability and Environmental Education”  2021Any OtherInternational JournalProf. (Dr.) Smita Badola
90Book“ Environment Issues and Mitigation Strategies” “ Environment Issues and Mitigation Strategies” 2021Any OtherInternational JournalProf. (Dr.) Smita Badola
94Book ChapterDIVERSITY OF FLESHY MUSHROOM IN SANGOLA “ Biodiversity Sustainability and Environmental Education” 2021Any OtherNationalProf. (Dr.) Smita Badola
95Book ChapterTHE ROLE OF UTTARAKHAND WOMEN IN NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT WITH REFERENCE TO PAURI DISTRICT “ Biodiversity Sustainability and Environmental Education”  2021Any OtherNationalProf. (Dr.) Smita Badola
96Book Chapter• COVID-19: SOCIETY AND ENVIRONMENT: A LESSON FOR FUTURE“ Environment Issues and Mitigation Strategies” 2021Any OtherNationalProf. (Dr.) Smita Badola
97JournalInfluence of intraspecific competition for food on the bodyweight of the adult aphidophagous ladybird, Coccinella transversalis European Journal of Environmental Sciences0.2552021Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
98JournalPhysiology of Thyroid Hormones and the associated modelling: A review. Scientific Research Journal of Multidisciplinary,02021Peer RefereedNationalProf. Ahmad Pervez
99JournalManipulating mate-choice for a quantitative augmentation of a biological control agent, Coccinella transversalis FabriciusVantage: Journal of Thematic Analysis02021Peer RefereedNationalProf. Ahmad Pervez
100JournalFunctional Morphology and characters of five abundant species of ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae).Journal of Mountain Research0.032021Scopus/Web of ScienceNationalProf. Ahmad Pervez
101JournalEffect of dietary history on intraguild predation and cannibalism of ladybirds’ eggsInternational Journal of Tropical Insect Science1.022021Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
102Book ChapterCourtship. In: Eds. Omkar and Mishra, G. Reproduction in Insects,  2021Peer RefereedInternationalProf. Ahmad Pervez
103JournalNote on results in C∗−algebra-valued metric spacesElectron. J. Math. Anal. Appl.  2021UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
104JournalOrdered generalized φ−contraction in ordered fuzzy metric spaces with an application in dynamic programmingJ. Math. Control Sci. Appls..312021Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
105JournalWeak subsequential continuity in fuzzy metric space and applicationInt. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl..658(discontinued in 2022)2021Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
106BookFixed Point Theory & its Applications to Real World ProblemFixed Point Theory & its Applications to Real World Problem 2021Scopus/Web of ScienceInternationalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
107Book ChapterOn geometric properties of non-unique fixed points in b−metric spacesFixed Point Theory & its Applications to Real World Problem 2021Scopus/Web of ScienceInternationalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
108Book ChapterNear fixed point, near fixed interval circle and near fixed interval disc in metric interval spaceFixed Point Theory & its Applications to Real World Problem 2021Scopus/Web of ScienceInternationalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
109Book ChapterApplications of generalized α−C ́iric ́ and α−Browder contractions in Partial Metric SpacesFixed Point Theory & its Applications to Real World Problem 2021Scopus/Web of ScienceInternationalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
110Book ChapterExistence of common fixed point in quasi-partial metric with applicationsFixed Point Theory & its Applications to Real World Problem 2021Scopus/Web of ScienceInternationalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
111Book ChapterFixed point to fixed disc and application in partial metric spaces,Fixed Point Theory & its Applications to Real World Problem 2021Scopus/Web of ScienceInternationalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
112JournalFixed point and a Cantilever beam problem in a partial b-metric spaceActa Univ. Sapientiae, Mathematica.3512021Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
113JournalFractals as Julia sets of complex sine function via fixed point iterationsFractal and Fractional3.5772021Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
114JournalResults in strongly minihedral cone and scalar weighted cone metric spaces and applicationsAnn. Math. Sil..292021Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
115JournalOn unique and nonunique fixed points in metric spaces and application to chemical sciencesJ. Funct. Spaces1.2812021Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
116JournalAlmost α-F-contraction, fixed points and applicationsInt. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl..658 (discontinued in 2022)2021Scopus/Web of ScienceNational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
117JournalC-class and pair upper class functions and other kind of contractions in fixed point theoryScientific Publications of the State University of Novi Pazar Ser. A: Appl. Math. Inform. and Mech. 2021Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
118JournalOn unique and nonunique fixed points and fixed circles in Mbv−metric space and application to cantilever beam problemJ. Funct. Spaces1.281 2021Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
119JournalFixed point on complete m-metric spaces via f (ψ, φ)- contraction mappings and application to periodic differential equationAzerbaijan J. Math.0.82 2021Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
120JournalFixed point to fixed ellipse in metric spaces and discontinuous activation functionAppl. Math. E-Notes.792021Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
121JournalFixed points and its applications in C∗−algebra valued partial metric spaceTWMS J. App. and Eng. Math..222021Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
122JournalRelation-theoretic nonlinear contractions in an F-metric space and applications Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo II.922021Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
123JournalProblems of Higher Education in Hilly Areas of Uttarakhand VIDYAWARTA (Peer Reviewed International Multilingual Research Journal)7.041 2020Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Anand Prakash Singh
124Book ChapterUchcha Shiksha Jagat Ki Samasyaen: SuryaBala Ke Upanyas Holistic Approach Towards Quality Enhancement In Higher Education  2020Any OtherNationalDr. Mukti Nath Yadav
125JournalManagement of Working Capital - A Case Study on Tehri Hydro Development Corporation (T.H.D.C.) of India LtdInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research6.5142020Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Virendra Kumar Gupta
126JournalImpact of Funding in the Development of Micro Enterprises in UttarakhandSambodhi-2020Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Virendra Kumar Gupta
127JournalImpact of Liquidity Management on Profitability: A case study on Uttarakhand Gramin BankMatadarsh1.74322020Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Virendra Kumar Gupta
128Book Chapterकोविड -19: पारिस्थितिकी] पर्यावरण] एवं समाज, “PANDEMIC COVID-19: REPERCUSSION AND LESSONS सर्वव्यापी महामारी कोविड -19: प्रभाव एवं सीख 2020Any OtherNationalProf. (Dr.) Smita Badola
131JournalWATER CRISIS: NEEDS CONSERVATION FOR FUTURE GENERATION UHRI RES JOU 2020Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf. (Dr.) Smita Badola
132JournalFOREST FIRE : AN OVERVIEW OF THE BURNING FOREST WEALTH OF UTTARAKHAND UHRI RES JOU.,  2020Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf. (Dr.) Smita Badola
133JournalAntennal Morphology and Sensilla in predaceous ladybirds, Menochilus sexmaculatus and Propylea dissectaEuropean Journal of Environmental Sciences0.2552020Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
134JournalMating behavior of the predaceous ladybird, Harmonia dimidiataEuropean Journal of Environmental Sciences0.2552020Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
135JournalKin-Recognition by the adults of a biological control agent, Propylea dissecta (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Journal of Biological Control0.12020Scopus/Web of ScienceNationalProf. Ahmad Pervez
136JournalBiodiversity of Predaceous Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) in Uttarakhand, North India.Journal of Mountain Research02020Scopus/Web of ScienceNationalProf. Ahmad Pervez
137Book ChapterCoccinellids on Crops: Nature’s Gift for Farmers. In: Akshay Kumar Chakravarty (Ed.) Innovative Pest Management Approaches for the 21st Century: Harnessing Automated Unmanned Technologies.  2020Peer RefereedInternationalProf. Ahmad Pervez
138JournalReproduction and demography of an aphidophagous ladybird, Hippodamia variegata on different nutritive and toxic preyInternational Journal of Tropical Insect Science1.022020Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
139JournalFish diversity of River Bhagirathi upstream to Tehri Dam Reservoir, Uttarakhand (India)Ecology Environment & Conservation 2020Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf. Mahabir Singh Rawat
140JournalC-class functions in generalized metric spaces and ApplicationsJ. Anal.1.4172020Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
141JournalCoincidence theorems via contractive mappings in ordered non-Archimedean fuzzy metric spacesJ. Korean Soc. Math. Educ. Ser. B: Pure Appl. Math.0.4162020Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
142JournalStrict coincidence and common strict fixed point of a faintly compatible hybrid pair of maps via C-class function and applicationsPalestine J. Math. 0.272020Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
143JournalWell-posedness and data dependence of strict fixed point for δ-Hardy Roger type contraction and applicationsAppl. Math. E- Notes.2412020Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
144JournalPromoting Agro-Based Industries in India (Issues and Challenges)International Journal of Trade and Commerce 6.3182020Peer RefereedInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
145JournalConsumer Protection in India: Empowering Consumer International Journal of Development Research 7.0122020Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
146JournalA Study on Growth of Retail Market in India International Journal of Current Research 7.7492020Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
147Journalकाव्य प्रकाश में प्रतिपादित व्यंजना शक्ति की समीक्षाGLIMPSES 5.052019Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Poonam Pathak
148JournalAssessment of Municipal Solid waste management status for two major towns of District NainitalInternational Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR)5.97(2019)2019UGC Listed JournalNational JournalDr. Preeti Khanduri
149JournalSoil health management and water salinity problems International Journal of Life Sciences 6.3 (2019) 2019Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Preeti Khanduri
150JournalGreen synthesis and antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles using leaf extract of Ajuga parviflora BENTH IN WALLPlant Archives0.1232019UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalDr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi
151JournalRole of Micro Finance in Rural DevelopmentParishodh-2019Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Virendra Kumar Gupta
152JournalRelation between organizational climate and Employee Job Satisfaction in Banking IndustryInternational Journal of Trade & Commerce5.1352019Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Virendra Kumar Gupta
153JournalAnalysis of Digital India ProgrammesShodhmanthan5.4632019Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Virendra Kumar Gupta
155Journal ICTHYO FAUNAL DIVERSITY OF TUMARIA RESERVOIR, KASHIPUR,U.S. NAGAR(UTTARAKHAND)   2019Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf. (Dr.) Smita Badola
156JournalBiological control of Aphis craccivora (Koch) with predaceous ladybird, Hippodamia variegata (Goeze). Indian Journal of Ecology0.432019UGC Listed JournalNational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
157JournalBiodiversity Indices and Distribution of Predaceous Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) of Uttarakhand, North IndiaBiodiversity Journal0.12019UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
158JournalFixed Point under set-valued relation-theoretic nonlinear contractions and applicationFilomat.4492019Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
159JournalAlmost alpha-Hardy-Rogers-F-contractions and applicationsArmen. J. Math..352019Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
160Journalntegral type common fixed point theorems in modified intuitionistic fuzzy metric spaces Afr. Mat..8652019Scopus/Web of ScienceInternationalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
161JournalExistence of common fixed point in symmetric space with applicationElectron. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 2019UGC Listed JournalInternationalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
162JournalStrict coincidence and strict common fixed point via strongly tangential property with an applicationElectron. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 2019UGC Listed JournalInternationalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
163JournalTourism in Tehri Garhwal District of Uttarakhand: An Overview Vidyawarta 6.0212019Peer RefereedInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
164JournalImpact of Mudra Yojana on Promoting Micro Enterprises Shodhmanthan 6.7262019Peer RefereedInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
165JournalBanking Sector Reforms: Ensuring Growth International Journal for Research in Engineering Application and Management 5.6462019UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
166JournalEntrepreneurship and Skill Development for Rural India International Journal for Research in Engineering Application and Management5.8342019UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
167JournalIndian Textile Industry and Market Growth Parisodh Journal 6.32019UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
168JournalSustainable Tourism in Uttarakhand (Potential, Opportunities and Challenges)Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 7.952019UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
169JournalInnovation and Product Development in Entrepreneurship as a Tool for Economic Growth International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts 7.972019UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
170Book ChapterImpact of Government Policy on MSME Sector in UttarakhandSustainable Development: The Way Forward  2019Any OtherNational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
171Book ChapterHigher Education and Skill Development in India: An OverviewHolistic Approach Towards: Quality Enhancement in Higher Education 2019Any OtherNational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
172Journal34. Inoculation of siderophore producing rhizobacteria and their consortium for growth enhancement of wheat plant ELSEVIER 2018UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalDr. Gulshan Kumar Dhingra
173Bookशब्द शक्ति: आचार्य मम्मट एवं नागेश भट्ट   2018Any OtherNationalDr. Poonam Pathak
174Journalपद्म पुराण में निहित आयुर्वेद के तत्व RUMINATIONS 5.252018UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalDr. Poonam Pathak
175JournalKAP study on bio-medical waste management among nursing professionals in Haldwani (Nainital)International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management (IJASRM)4.265 (2018)2018UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalDr. Preeti Khanduri
176BookOrganic & Physical Chemistry-IOrganic & Physical Chemistry-I 2018Any OtherNationalDr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi
177JournalLiquid-liquid extraction of alkylated (C4-, C6- and C8-) benzene with cetane using industrial solventsInternational Journal of Creative Research Thoughts 2018Peer ReviewedInternationalDr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi
178JournalExtraction methods of phytochemicalsChemical Weekly 2018Any OtherNationalDr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi
179JournalSeparation of cyclopentane from close boiling paraffins using selective solvents in extractive distillation stepJournal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 2018Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi
180Book Chapterपाँच तीर्थंकरों की जन्मभूमि अयोध्यासामाजिक समरसता 2018Any OtherNationalDr. Sangeeta Mishra
181Journalगांधी और चंपारण सत्याग्रह के सौ वर्षमध्य भारतीय इतिहास अनुसंधान प्रतिष्ठान ग्वालियर 2018UGC Listed JournalNationalDr. Sangeeta Mishra
182JournalUttarakhand Tourism - Opportunities and ChallengesRuminations5.252018Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Virendra Kumar Gupta
183Book ChapterTermite Biology and Social Behaviour In: M.A. Khan & W. Ahmad (Eds.), Sustainable Termite Management, Sustainability in Plant and Crop Protection Vol. I.  2018Peer RefereedInternationalProf. Ahmad Pervez
184JournalEcological perspective of the diversity of functional responsesEuropean Journal of Environmental Sciences0.2552018Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
185JournalForaging behaviour of predaceous ladybird beetles: a reviewEuropean Journal of Environmental Sciences0.2552018Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
186JournalDemographic parameters of a predaceous ladybird, Hippodamia variegata (Goeze) on aphid, Aphis craccivora (Koch) reared on four host-plants.Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control2.0552018Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
187JournalHost plant mediated prey preference and consumption by an aphidophagous ladybird, Menochilus sexmaculatus (Fabricius). Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control2.0552018Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
188JournalCognizance about menstruation among urban young women of Delhi-NCR: A socio-cultural perception. Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Biology. 02018Peer ReviewedInternationalProf. Ahmad Pervez
189JournalIncidence of Egg-Cannibalism by Stage-Specific kins of Two Predaceous Ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Journal of Mountain Research0.022018UGC Listed JournalNational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
190JournalPhytoplankton community in relation to physicochemical characteristic in of Renuka Lake and Parshuram Tal (H.P.), IndiaadeshInternational Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews 2018Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf. Mahabir Singh Rawat
191JournalGST: Impact on Indian Economy Journal of Research Thought-2018Peer RefereedInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
192JournalMicro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMES) in India Kalam: The Power of Truth-2018Peer ReviewedNational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
193JournalDecision Making Effectiveness of Executives (A case study of T.H.D.C. Ltd.)Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 7.952018UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
194Book ChapterCross Border Merger and Acquisitions: An Indian PerspectiveGlobalization: Prospects and opportunities for a New India 2018Any OtherNational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
195Book ChapterCross Border Merger and Acquisitions: An Indian PerspectiveGlobalization: Prospects and opportunities for a New india 2018Any OtherNational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
196Journalपर्यावरण चिंतन : एक वैदिक दृष्टि RUMINATIONS4.52017UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalDr. Poonam Pathak
197Journalवैदिक वांगमय में ब्रह्मवादिनी स्त्रियाँ GLIMPSES5.052017UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalDr. Poonam Pathak
198Journalवैदिक वांगमय में प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा GLIMPSES5.052017UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalDr. Poonam Pathak
199Book Chapterभारतीय संस्कृति में प्रासाद स्थापत्य की उत्पत्तिIndian Culture at a Glance 2017Any OtherNationalDr. Sangeeta Mishra
200JournalA Conceptual Study of Corporate Social Responsibility with Special Reference to Punjab National BankRuminations4.52017Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Virendra Kumar Gupta
201JournalAn analysis of organizational climate and work culture in private sector banksHermeneutics4.4812017Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Virendra Kumar Gupta
202JournalInfluence of organizational climate and work culture on employee job satisfaction in banking industryAnwesh-2017Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Virendra Kumar Gupta
203JournalManagerial Excellence and Human RightsGlimpses5.052017Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Virendra Kumar Gupta
204Book Chapter“FISH WEALTH OF UTTARAKHAND : THREATS AND TIPS FOR CONSERVATION”. THE UHRI RESEARCH JOURNAL 2017UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalProf. (Dr.) Smita Badola
206JournalIntraguild Predation of Eggs by Predaceous Ladybirds, Propylea dissecta and Menochilus sexmaculatus.Journal of Mountain Research0.022017UGC Listed JournalNational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
207BookConcepts of Toxicology Concepts of Toxicology Third Edition 2017Peer ReviewedNationalProf. Ahmad Pervez
208JournalPreference of the aphidophagous ladybird, Propylea dissecta for two species of aphids reared on toxic host plants. European Journal of Environmental Sciences0.2552017Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
209JournalEffect of nutritious and toxic prey on food preference of a predaceous ladybird, Coccinella septempunctata. European Journal of Entomology1.342017Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
210JournalToxicity of Nano-materials to Environment and mankind: an overviewInternational Journal of Pharmaceutical Research0.1062017UGC Listed JournalNational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
211JournalStudy on the fecundity of brown trout (Salmo trutta fario L.) in River Asiganga, Uttarkashi (Uttarakhanda), IndiaInt. J. of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 2017Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf. Mahabir Singh Rawat
212JournalWater quality status of high altitude lake Nachiketa Tal, Garhwal Himalaya, Uttarakhand , IndiaJournal of Global Biosciences 2017UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalProf. Mahabir Singh Rawat
213JournalCommon fixed point theorems via generalized condition (B) in quasi-partial metric space and applicationsDemonstr. Math.2.0932017Scopus/Web of ScienceInternationalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
214Book ChapterCommon Fixed Point Theorems with an ApplicationRecent Advances in Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2017Scopus/Web of ScienceInternationalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
215JournalSocio-Economic Inequalities in India Journal of Research Thought-2017Peer RefereedInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
216JournalCustomer Satisfaction in Public Sector Banks Kalam: The Power of Truth-2017Peer ReviewedNational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
217JournalFinancial Inclusion in Rising India International Journal of Creative Research Thought 7.972017UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
218Journalश्रीमद्भगवद्गीता में भक्ति-योगVidyawarta3.1022016Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Poonam Pathak
219Book ChapterDyeing on wool using eco-friendly natural dyesProceeding of International seminar on sustainable development: Challenges and Strategies 2016Any OtherNationalDr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi
220JournalRevitalizing traditional healthcare practicesChemical Weekly 2016Any OtherNationalDr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi
221JournalApplication of Erythrina suberosa flower dye on wool fibers using combination of mordantsJournal of Applicable Chemistry 2016UGC Listed JournalNational JournalDr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi
222JournalLiquid-liquid equilibrium studies on model hydrocarbons representing heart cut for cyclohexane using industrial solventsAccent Journal of Economics Ecology and Engineering3.582016Peer ReviewedInternationalDr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi
223JournalA new glycopyranoside from Scutellaria scandens BarkInternational Journal of Chemical Studies 2016Peer ReviewedInternationalDr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi
224JournalTraditional Healthcare Practices among the Villages of Khirshu, Pauri, Uttarakhand, IndiaSocial Science Review0.322016Peer ReviewedInternationalDr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi
225JournalFuture Prospects of E-Commerce in IndiaInternational Journal of Trends in Economics Management and Technology1.412016Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Virendra Kumar Gupta
227JournalImplications of fluoride toxicity on the male reproductive system: a Review. Journal of Mountain Research 0.022016UGC Listed JournalNational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
228Book ChapterLadybird Beetles. In: Ecofriendly Pest Management for Food Security. (Ed. Omkar).  2016Peer RefereedInternationalProf. Ahmad Pervez
229JournalPrimary productivity of high altitude lake Nachiketa Tal of Garhwal Himalaya (Uttarakhand), IndiaEuropean Academic Research 2016Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf. Mahabir Singh Rawat
230JournalBusiness Management and the Holy Gita (A Case Study of Modern World)Kalam: The Power of Truth-2016Peer ReviewedNational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
231Journalमहाकवि अश्वघोष का दार्शनिक चिंतन Printing Area 2015Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Poonam Pathak
232JournalSolid waste management: Soil depletion, exhaustion, erosion and fertilizers; and remediesJournal of Agroecology and Natural Resource Management 2015Any OtherNational JournalDr. Preeti Khanduri
233JournalStudy of some eco-friendly natural dye on wool fibersInternational Journal of Innovation in Engineering Research and Management 2015Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi
234Book Chapterविकास एवम पर्यावरण चेतनाGlobalization Environment and Quality of Life 2015Any OtherNationalDr. Sangeeta Mishra
235JournalMycorrhizal Associations of Bamboo Species of FRI Bambusetum, , Vol. 14, Nos. 1-4, (2015) India J. Bamboo and Rattan 2015Peer ReviewedNational JournalDr. Shalini Rawat
237JournalImproved SAS codes for life table analysis of arthropod Populations.Revista Da Estatistica UFOP 0.22015Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
238JournalCommon fixed point theorems for R-weakly Commuting maps satisfying common property (E.A.) in intuitionistic fuzzy metric spaces using implicit relationJ. Indian Math. Soc., New Ser..422015Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
239JournalProblem of Agriculture Credit to Small and Marginal Farmers Kalam: The Power of Truth-2015Peer ReviewedNational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
240Book ChapterPremchand ki Kahaniyan - Gullidanda ka vishleshan aur MulyankanIGNOU Text Book 2014Peer ReviewedNationalDr. Adheer Kumar
241Book ChapterEditorialQuarterly Magazine Karmachari - Shikshak Darpan 2014Any OtherNationalDr. Adheer Kumar
242Journalश्रीमद्भागवत महापुराण में काव्य तत्वVidyawarta 2014Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Poonam Pathak
243Journalव्याकरण शास्त्र में प्रतिपादित शब्द स्वरूपVidyawarta 2014Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Poonam Pathak
244Bookसंस्कृत साहित्य के प्रतिनिधि कवि : वाल्मीकि से दण्डी तक  2014Any OtherNationalDr. Poonam Pathak
245JournalThree new chemical constituents from Wendlandia puberula rootsInternational Journal of Innovation in Engineering Research and Management3.532014Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi
246JournalOptimization of procedure for dyeing cotton and wool fabric with natural dye extracted from Myrica esculenta using different mordantsJ. Mountain Res. 2014UGC Listed JournalNational JournalDr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi
247JournalAllelopathic Potential of Some Prunus Species and Identification of Allelochemicals,Journal of Applicable Chemistry 2014UGC Listed JournalNational JournalDr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi
248Journalसूत्र साहित्य में प्रतिबिंबित वास्तु विद्याUnited Journal of Awadh Scholars 2014Any OtherNational JournalDr. Sangeeta Mishra
249Journalजैन साधना में श्रावक धर्मश्रमण 2014UGC Listed JournalNational JournalDr. Sangeeta Mishra
250JournalInference on Arthropod Demographic Parameters: Computational Advances using R.Journal of Economic Entomology2.4472014Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
251JournalLength-weight relationship and condition factor of brown trout (Salmo trutta ferio L.) from river Asiganga, Uttarakhand (India)Environment Conservation Journal 2014Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf. Mahabir Singh Rawat
252JournalLength-weight relationship and condition factor of brown trout (Salmo trutta ferio L.) from river Asiganga, Uttarakhand (India)Environment Conservation Journal 2014Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf. Mahabir Singh Rawat
253JournalCoincidence and common fixed point theorems in fuzzy metric spaces using a Meir-Keeler Type contractive conditionGazi Univ. J. Sci.0.6722014Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
254JournalCommon fixed point theorems using property (E.A.) and its variants involving quadratic termsAnn. Fuzzy Math. Inform. 2014Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
255JournalFaintly compatible maps and existence of common fixed points in fuzzy metric spaceAnn. Fuzzy Math. Inform. 2014Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
256JournalCommon Fixed Point Theorems for Single Valued Weakly Compatible Maps in Metric SpaceGazi Univ. J Sci.6722014Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
257JournalFixed point theorems for quadruple of self maps in Normed Boolean Vector spaceMath. Sci. Lett. 2014Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
258JournalMarket- Oriented Farming (Impact on Income, Employment, Labour Composition and Migration: A Case Study)Journal Of Research Thought -2014Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
259JournalCommercial Viability and Strategy for Success of Agro- Industries in Hill Region of Uttarakhand Kalam: The Power of Truth -2014Peer ReviewedNational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
260Book ChapterRole of ICTs in Socio-Economic Development of IndiaICT in Education-2014Any OtherNational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
261Book ChapterDev-Bhumi vis-a-vis Disaster BhumiUttarakhand Disaster 2014Any OtherNational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
262Book ChapterSustainable Tourism in UttarakhandContemporary Practices Trends and Innovations in Hospitality and Tourism 2014Any OtherNational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
263Journalमहाकवि अश्वघोष पर बौद्ध धर्म के प्रभाव का समीक्षात्मक विश्लेषणVidyawarta 2013Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Poonam Pathak
264Journalरामायण में प्रतिबिम्बित महर्षि वाल्मीकि की चिंतन दृष्टिVidyawarta 2013Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Poonam Pathak
265JournalNew Iridoid glycosides from Wendlandia puberulaJournal of Applicable Chemistry2.562013UGC Listed JournalNational JournalDr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi
266JournalImprovement of the traditional system of dyeing on wool fiber using eco-friendly natural dyeJournal of Applicable Chemistry2.562013UGC Listed JournalNational JournalDr. Rakesh Kumar Joshi
267Journalवास्तुकला की उत्पत्तिगुरुकुल शोध प्रभा 2013Peer ReviewedNationalDr. Sangeeta Mishra
268Book Chapterदूरस्थ शिक्षा में सूचना एवम संप्रेषण तकनीकी की भूमिकाशिक्षा में सूचना एवम संप्रेषण प्रौद्योगिकी 2013Any OtherNationalDr. Sangeeta Mishra
269JournalDemographic attributes of Parthenium beetle, Zygogramma bicolorata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) under different variablesInternational Journal of Tropical Insect Science1.022013Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
270JournalMating patterns in the aphidophagous Ladybird, Hippodamia variegata, depend on body size. European Journal of Environmental Sciences0.2552013Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
271JournalLife-table of Parthenium beetle, Zygogramma bicolorata (Coleoptera: Chrysomellidae) under different factorsActa Entomologica Sinica0.22013Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
272JournalA common fixed point theorem in Non-Archimedean Menger PM-SpaceAn. Univ. Oradea, Fasc. Mat. 2013Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
273JournalEntrepreneurship Development in India (Challenges and Opportunites)Journal of Business and Finance-2013Any OtherNational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
274JournalChallenges and Opportunities of Rural Enterprises in Uttarakhand: A Dynamic PerspectiveJournal of Business and Finance-2013Any OtherNational JournalProf.(Dr.) Chatar Singh Negi
275Book ChapterJayasi : Jiwan avam SahityalochnaMadhyakalin Kavita UOU Text Book  2012Peer ReviewedNationalDr. Adheer Kumar
276Book ChapterTulsi : Parichay Path avam AlochnaMadhyakalin Kavita UOU Text Book  2012Peer ReviewedNational JournalDr. Adheer Kumar
277JournalMeeran ka Rag-Virag aur Hindi AlochnaKatha 2012Peer RefereedNationalDr. Adheer Kumar
278JournalSundarta ki Sahaj Swadhinta ka Bhartiya Nari KalpPrasthan 2012Peer RefereedNationalDr. Adheer Kumar
279Journalअहिंसा- जैन धर्म का आधार स्तंभरासो 2012UGC Listed JournalNationalDr. Sangeeta Mishra
280Journalमानव जीवन के उन्नयन में संस्कारों का योगदानजयराम संदेश 2012UGC Listed JournalNational JournalDr. Sangeeta Mishra
281Journalजैन धर्म के प्रथम तीर्थंकर ऋषभदेव पुरातत्व के अवगुंठन मेंUnited Journal of Awadh Scholars 2012Any OtherNational JournalDr. Sangeeta Mishra
282Journalवैदिक वांगमय में वास्तुकलागुरुकुल पत्रिका 2012Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Sangeeta Mishra
284JournalStage specific Functional Response of an aphidophagous ladybird, Coccinella septempunctata L. on two aphid speciesInternational Journal of Tropical Insect Science1.022012Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
285JournalDiurnal variation in physicochemical characteristics and phytoplankton population density of high altitude lake Dodi Tal, UttarakhandEcology Environment & Conservation 2012Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf. Mahabir Singh Rawat
286Book ChapterSahaj Swadhin aur Sundar Stri ka Mithak- Urvashi Dinkar : Path-Punarpath 2011Any OtherNationalDr. Adheer Kumar
287Journalभारतीय संस्कृति में प्रकृति की महत्ताजयराम संदेश 2011UGC Listed JournalNational JournalDr. Sangeeta Mishra
288JournalEcological significance of mycotrophy of some tropical weeds. Tropical Ecology 2011Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Shalini Rawat
289JournalDuration of Development and Survival of larvae of Coccinella transversalis fed on essential and alternative foods. European Journal of Environmental Sciences0.2552011Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
290JournalMate choice and Polyandry benefits reproduction and progeny fitness in the ladybird, Hippodamia variegata (Goeze). European Journal of Environmental Sciences0.2552011Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
291JournalEcology of an aphidophagous ladybird Propylea: A ReviewJournal of Asia Pacific Entomology1.5862011Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
292JournalFunctional Response of two aphidophagous ladybirds searching in tandemBiocontrol Science and Technology1.812011Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf. Ahmad Pervez
293Book ChapterHigh altitude lakes of Garhwal Himalaya. The lesser known ecosystemHimalayan Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation and New tools in Biotechnology 2011Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf. Mahabir Singh Rawat
294JournalStatus of brown trout (Salmo trutta ferio L.) in Garhwal Himlaya with a note on its morphometric characteristicsEnvironment Conservation Journal 2011Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf. Mahabir Singh Rawat
295JournalRemarks on convergence among Picard, Mann and Ishikawa iteration for complex spaceInt. J. Comp. Appls.  2011Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
296JournalSome Fixed Point Theorems on Meir Keeler Type under Strict ContractionsInt. J. Comp. Appls. 2011Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
297JournalFixed point theorems for two pair of maps satisfying a new contractive condition of integral typeActa Cienc. Indica Math. 2011Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
298JournalMiljul Man : Sadhi Kalam ki kritiVartman Sahitya 2010Peer RefereedNationalDr. Adheer Kumar
299Book ChapterBadalte Jiwan Mulya: Pryawaran aur SamajUttarakhand Samajshastra Parishad Smarika 2010Any OtherNationalDr. Adheer Kumar
300JournalEffect of Scarification to enhance seed germination of certain woody plant species”. Journal Of Indian Botanical Society 2010UGC Listed JournalNational JournalDr. Preeti Khanduri
301JournalIn Vitro Propagation of certain ethno-medicinal herbs in hilly areas by synthetic seed technologyJournal Of Indian Botanical Society 2010UGC Listed JournalNational JournalDr. Preeti Khanduri
302Journalउत्तराखंड में प्रस्फुटिक अध्यात्म विज्ञान एवं तप साधना के विविध रूपUnited Journal of Awadh Scholars 2010Any OtherNational JournalDr. Sangeeta Mishra
303Journalप्राचीन भारत के धार्मिक एवं अध्यात्मिक ज्ञान प्रसार में नारी का योगदानUnited Journal of Awadh Scholars 2010Any OtherNational JournalDr. Sangeeta Mishra
304Journalवेदमाता गायत्री के शक्ति संचरण की वैज्ञानिक अवधारणाजयराम संदेश 2010UGC Listed JournalNational JournalDr. Sangeeta Mishra
305Book ChapterQuality of Professional Education in the present eraProfessional Education 2010Any OtherNationalDr. Sangeeta Mishra
307Book ChapterAnalysis of zooplankton population in Garhwal Himalayan lake Deoria Tal, UttarakhandAquatic Ecosystem and its Management 2010Any OtherNationalProf. Mahabir Singh Rawat
308JournalFixed point theorems in symmetric spaces and invariant approximationsInt. J. Comp. Appls. 2010Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar
309JournalFixed point theorems in Fuzzy Metric spaces using implicit relationsInt. J. Comp. Appls. 2010Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf.(Dr.) Anita Tomar